October 17 is the 290th day of the year. There are 75 days left.
Today's number is 17
17 is a prime 17 is the sum of the first four primes (2,3,5,7) 17 is a Fermat Prime 17 is the minimum possible number of givens for a sudoku puzzle with a unique solution 17 is Chlorine Group 17 on the periodic table is the halogens There are 17 elementary particles in the Standard Model of physics There are 17 syllables in a Haiku A 17 sided polygon is a heptadecagon Seventeen is a magazine aimed at 10 through 21 year old females
Unlike most numbers, 17 appears to have an edge
x YouTube VideoTitle 17 of the US Code is COPYRIGHTS
17 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Furnius and Silanus Arminius, who kicked (that damn) Varus' ass at Teutoburg Wald, was born
17 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Flaccus and Rufus An earthquake destroyed the city of Sardis Livy's Ab Urbe condita was published Germanicus returned to Rome a hero & celebraed a Triumph (perhaps a TR3, but the record is unclear) Ovid & Livy both died.
On this day in: 1771 -- The premiere of Mozart's opera opera Ascanio in Alba 1814 -- Eight Londoners died in a flood of beer which was deemed to be an Act of God 1907 -- Marconi's company began the first commercial transatlantic wireless service 1931 -- Al Capone was convicted of tax evasion 1933 -- Albert Einstein immigrated to the US 1956 -- The first commercial nuclear power plant opened (in England) 1956 -- Bobby Fischer beat Donald Byrne at badminton Chess 1961 -- Paris police massacred up to 400 Algerian proesters. 1973 -- OPEC iimposed an oil embargo against several Western nations 1989 -- The Loma Prieta earthquake hit the greater S.F. Bay Area and CA Central Coast
Born this day in: 1909 -- Cozy Cole, a topsy turvy kind of drummer 1912 -- Jack Owens, singer, songwriter and pianist who starred on Don McNeil's Breakfast Club 1915 -- Arthur Miller, playwright and screenwriter 1918 -- Rita Hayworth, actress, singer and dance 1923 -- Barney Kessel, guitarist and composer 1933 -- The Singing Nun 1934 -- Rico Rodriguez, trombonist 1938 -- Evel Knievel 1941 -- Earl Thomas Conley, singer, songwriter and guitarist 1946 -- Michael Hossack, drummer 1951 -- Shari Ulrich, singer, songwriter and violinist 1953 -- Joseph Bowie, trombonist and bandleader 1956 -- Fran Cosmo, singer, songwriter and guitarist 1958 -- Howard Alden, guitarist 1958 -- Alan Jackson, singer, songwriter 1968 -- Ziggy Marley, singer, songwriter, guitarist, and voice acto 1971 -- Chris Kirkpatrick, boy band boy 1984 -- Randall Munroe, author and illustrator, writes must-read web comic xkcd (at xkcd.com)
Died this day in: 1586 -- Philip Sidney, courtier, poet, and general 1806 -- Jean-Jacques Dessalines, a leader of Haiti's revolution, first Governor General. 1849 -- Frederic Chopin, pianist and composer 1887 -- Gustav Kirchhoff, physicist and chemist; Whoa black body, bam de lam. 1910 -- Julia Ward Howe, poet and songwriter 1972 -- Billy Williams, singer 1979 -- S. J. Perelman, humorist and screenwriter 1991 -- Tennessee Ernie Ford, singer and actor 2007 -- Joey Bishop, actor and talk show host 2007 -- Teresa Brewer, singer 2008 -- Levi Stubbs, singer (4 tops)
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
So, for music we gots a seriously mixd bag: Mozart Cozy Cole Jack Owens Rita Hayworth Barney Kessel The Singing Nun Rico Rodriguez Earl Thomas Conley Michael Hossack Shari Ulrich Joseph Bowie Fran Cosmo Howard Alden Alan Jackson Ziggy Marley Chris Kirkpatrick Chopin Billy Williams Tennessee Ernie Ford Teresa Brewer Levi Stubbs
x YouTube VideoCozy Cole
x YouTube Video - x YouTube Video - x YouTube VideoJack Owens
x YouTube VideoRita Hayworth
x YouTube VideoBarney Kessel
x YouTube VideoThe Singing Nun (everything sounds better in French)
x YouTube VideoRico Rodriguez
x YouTube VideoEarl Thomas Conley
x YouTube VideoMichael Hossack
x YouTube VideoShari Ulrich
x YouTube VideoJoseph Bowie
x YouTube VideoFran Cosmo
x YouTube VideoHoward Alden
x YouTube VideoAlan Jackson
x YouTube VideoZiggy Marley
x YouTube VideoChris Kirkpatrick
x YouTube VideoChopin
x YouTube VideoBilly Williams
x YouTube VideoTennessee Ernie Ford
x YouTube VideoTeresa Brewer
x YouTube VideoLevi Stubbs
x YouTube Video - x YouTube Video - x YouTube VideoOK, what's on your minds?
Crossposted from caucus99percent.com