Meanwhile, as the US puts its efforts into global hegemony, regime changes and installing predatory neo-liberal capitalism as a global economic system regardless of who it must support and ally itself with in the process, BRICS is pledging to try to do some good instead. According to this article:, they have declared an intent to actually fight terrorism and to act against the financing of terrorists and the harboring, arming and supplying of said terrorists. They also committed to having the New Development Bank emphasize infrastructure, technology and renewable energy.
Lastly,they agreed to set up separate research networks for developing agriculture and railways and to crack down on tax evasion, money laundering and corruption.
That's a very big order, and it remains to be seen if they will accomplish, or even attempt very much, but it is a very positive focus and it is good to see them assert a determination to go there. Now we can only watch and hope that they actually do so and don't face too overwhelming opposition and interference from those nations and groups of nations with conflicting goals.
NB: This is largely a repost of a comment I made on caucus99percent in Lookout's Weekly Watch open thread:
Edited headline to include member states names and added same to tags