October 24 is the 297th day of the year. There are 68 days left.
Today's number is 24
24 is 2 (a prime) x 12 (a great number system base) as well as 4 factorial
24 is the sum of two primes, 11 & 13
24 is the number of ways that 4 different things can be ordered
Ten to the 24 of anything is a yotta
A tesseract (hypercube) has 24 square faces
The product of any 4 consecutive numbers is divisible by 24
24 is chromium
There are 24 major & minor keys in western tonal music
24 carat gold is 100% pure (and seriously malleable)
There are 24 hours in a day (by convention)
Title 24 of the US Code is HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS
24 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Augustus and Flaccus
Tenth consulship for Augustus, ho hum.
24 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Cethegus and Varro
King Yuri of Silla became such
Namhae, king of Silla, died
Strabo died
On this day in: 1260 -- Chartres Cathedral was dedicated 1648 -- The Peace of Westphalia was signed 1851 -- William Lassell discovered the Uranian moons Umbriel, and Ariel 1861 -- The first US transcontinental telegraph was finished 1901 -- Annie Edson Taylor went over Niagara Falls in a barrel, a first & a barrel of laughs 1911 -- Orville Wright stayed airborne in a Wright Glider for nine minutes and 45 seconds 1917 -- Bolshevik Red Guards help kick off the October Revolution by seizing assorted buildings. 1929 -- Black Thursday 1931 -- The George Washington Bridge opened 1945 -- The Founding of the United Nations. 1946 -- The first photograph of earth from space 1947 -- Walt Disney ratted out some of his employees to the House Un-American Activities Committee 1954 -- Ike pledged US support to the newly invented fascist renegade state of South Vietnam. 1964 -- Northern Rhodesia gained independence and morphed into Zambia 1975 -- 90% of Iceland's women joined in a national strike to protest gaps in gender equality. Well ladies? 1990 -- Giulio Andreotti ratted out Gladio, sekret NATO paramilitaries who conducted false flag attacks 2003 -- The last commercial flight of the Concorde 2008 -- Bloody Friday, much like Black Thursday for many of the world's Casinos stock exchanges
Born this day in: 1632 -- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, biologist and microbiologist 1891 -- Rafael Trujillo, rotten authoritarian SOB and useful pawn of the US 1903 -- Melvin Purvis, Feeb 1911 -- Sonny Terry, singer and harmonica player, Piedmont blues, mostly 1915 -- Roger Milliken, Bircher & worse, major GOP RWNJ, funder, and strategist 1917 -- Marie Foster, civil rights activist 1925 -- Willie Mabon, singer, songwriter, and pianist 1925 -- Ieng Sary, Khmer Rouge co-founder 1927 -- Gilbert Becaud, singer, songwriter, pianist, and actor 1930 -- J.P. Richardson (aka The Big Bopper), singer, songwriter, and guitarist 1934 -- Sanger D. Shafer, wrote "All My Exes Live in Texas" and other such songs 1935 -- Malcolm Bilson, pianist, musicologist, and educator; fortepiano specialist 1936 -- Jimmy Dawkins, singer and guitarist 1936 -- Bill Wyman, singer, songwriter, bass player, and producer (The Rolling Stones and Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings) 1938 -- Odean Pope, saxophonist 1943 -- Corky Siegel, singer, songwriter, and pianist (Siegel--Schwall Band)
1944 -- Ted Templeman, singer, guitarist, and producer (Harpers Bizarre)
1950 -- Pablove Black, singer, songwriter, keyboard player, and producer
1953 -- David Wright, New Age keyboard player, songwriter, and producer
Died this day in: 1537 -- Jane Seymour, one of Henry VIII's wives 1601 -- Tycho Brahe, astronomer and alchemist, Kepler's mentor 1655 -- Pierre Gassendi, priest, astronomer, and mathematician 1725 -- Alessandro Scarlatti, composer and educator 1852 -- Daniel Webster, lawyer and politician; no friend of the devil 1935 -- Dutch Schultz, mob boss; A boy has never wept...nor dashed a thousand kim. 1945 -- Vidkun Quisling, soldier, politician, and notorious quisling 1958 -- G. E. Moore, philosopher and academic 1970 -- Richard Hofstadter, historian and author 1971 -- Carl Ruggles, composer, practitioner or dissonant counterpoint 1974 -- David Oistrakh, famous fiddle player 1979 -- Carlo Abarth, awesome automobile designer 1991 -- Gene Roddenberry, trekkie grande
2002 -- Harry Hay, gay rights activist, Mattachine Society co-founder
2005 -- Rosa Parks, civil rights activist
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such:
Food Day (United States) For real, honest.
Zambian Independence Day
United Nations Day
So, for music we gots: Rafael Trujillo Orville Wright Ike Sonny Terry Willie Mabon Gilbert Becaud J.P. Richardson (aka The Big Bopper) Sanger D. Shafer Malcolm Bilson Jimmy Dawkins Bill Wyman Odean Pope Corky Siegel Ted Templeman Pablove Black David Wright Jane Seymour
Alessandro Scarlatti
Carl Ruggles
David Oistrakh
Rafael Trujillo, rotten SOB and collaborator that he was, legitimized and popularized merengue
x YouTube VideoOrville Wright
x YouTube VideoIke
x YouTube VideoSonny Terry
x YouTube Videowith Brownie McGee
x YouTube VideoWillie Mabon
x YouTube VideoGilbert Becaud
x YouTube VideoJ.P. Richardson (aka The Big Bopper)
x YouTube VideoSanger D. Shafer
x YouTube VideoMalcolm Bilson
x YouTube VideoJimmy Dawkins
x YouTube VideoBill Wyman
x YouTube VideoOdean Pope
x YouTube VideoCorky Siegel
x YouTube VideoTed Templeman
x YouTube VideoPablove Black
x YouTube VideoDavid Wright
x YouTube VideoJane Seymour
x YouTube VideoAlessandro Scarlatti
x YouTube VideoCarl Ruggles
x YouTube VideoDavid Oistrakh
x YouTube VideoRosa Parks
x YouTube VideoOK, what's on your minds?
Just for grins:
x YouTube Video - x YouTube Videoy merengue tambien
x YouTube VideoFirst edit to attempt to repair arbitrary reformatting by DK5 at 10:04
Second attempt at 10:06
Third & final (I give up) at 10:10