Great Environmental News - I think
I received an e-mail from Point Blue Conservation Science (formerly Point Reyes Bird Observatory) announcing a conservation agreement concerning the Ross Sea. The gist of it is thatthe 24-nation...
View ArticleNovember 7, 2016 Open Thread; October Revolution Day
November 7 is the 311th day of the year. There are 54 days left. 11-7 is 7-11 backwards, go spill a Slurpee into the slurpifier machineToday's number is 77 is a prime (the 4th prime)999,999/7 =...
View ArticleNovember 14, 2016 Open Thread; Day of the Colombian Woman
November 14 is the 318th day of the year. There are 47 days left. Today's number is 1414 is the product of 2 primes, 7 and 2Alrighty. If 14 = 7 x 2, then x/14 = x/(7x2). As we learned in last Monday's...
View ArticleNovember 21, 2016 Open Thread; National Adoption Day in the US
November 21 is the 325th day of the year. There are 40 days left. Today's number is 2121 is the product of 2 primes, 7 and 321 is the sum of the first 6 natural numbers. 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 2121 is a...
View ArticleNovember 28, 2016 Open Thread; Hawaiian Independence Day
November 28 is the 332th day of the year. There are 33 days left. Today's number is 2828 is 4 x 7 (more later) 28 is the sum of the first (7) natural numbers. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 28 28 is...
View ArticleThe Daily Bucket - November Yard Report
The Daily Bucket is a regular feature of the Backyard Science group. It is a place to note any observations you have made of the world around you. Insects, weather, meteorites, climate, birds and/or...
View ArticleDecember 5, 2016 Open Thread; World Soil Day
December 5 is the 339th day of the year. There are 26 days left. - Today's number is 5 - 5 is the third prime...
View ArticleSaturday Song - Music and Open Thread
Hey, it's songday. Today I pick a song that I believe warrants it and pblish an assortment of the covers of that song by various persons and or groups. Pick a few that a new to you and have a listen....
View ArticleSunday Afternoon Album: Fathers and Sons
Some Albums really stood out for one reason or another, but never seemed to get the recognition they deserved. This is one. x YouTube VideoNaturally, this is an open thread too.Crossposted from...
View ArticleDecember 12, 2016 Open Thread; Bahai Feast of Questions
December 12 is the 346th day of the year. There are 19 days left. - Today's number is 12 - 12 is evenly divisible by 2, 3, 4, and 6, making it a great base for a number system. The base 12 number...
View ArticleA Humanist Victory
I just received an e-mail from the American Humanist Association apprising me of the fact that President Obama had signed H.R. 1150, the Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act, into law....
View ArticleSaturday Song - Wang Dang Doodle
Hey, it's songday. Today I pick a song that I believe warrants it and publish an assortment of the covers of that song by various persons and or groups. Pick a few that are new to you and have a...
View ArticleSunday Afternoon Album: The London Sessions
Some Albums really stood out for one reason or another, but never seemed to get the recognition they deserved. This is one.We have two options' The first is the entire album in one you tube. There are...
View ArticleDecember 19, 2016 Open Thread; Goan Independence Day.
December 19 is the 353rd day of the year. There are 12 days left. - Today's number is 19 - 19 is a prime number (the eighth prime) The only magic hexagon with more than 1 cell has 19 cells 19 is...
View ArticleThe Daily Busket - CA Kelp Forest Disaster
The Daily Bucket is a regular feature of the Backyard Science group. It is a place to note any observations you have made of the world around you. Insects, weather, meteorites, climate, birds and/or...
View ArticleOpen Thread Open Thread
Why do I have so much trouble writing these when Mort Sahl could pick up any newspaper and have a field day? That question led me to this historical bit in which Mort explains both the late sixties...
View ArticleSaturday Song - Little Red Rooster
Hey, it's songday. Today I pick a song that I believe warrants it and publish an assortment of the covers of that song by various persons and or groups. Pick a few that are new to you and have a...
View ArticleSunday Afternoon Album: Super Super Blues Band
Some Albums really stood out for one reason or another, but never seemed to get the recognition they deserved. This is one.There are a few ads, but one can click them off after a short time each. x...
View ArticleDecember 26, 2016 Open Thread; Happy Kwanzaa!
December 26 is the 360th day of the year. There are 5 days left. - Today's number is 26 - Uh, 2 x 13, both primes 26 is Iron 26 is "breakfast" a notorious darts score where an attempted score of 180...
View ArticleThe Daily Bucket - December Yard Report
The Daily Bucket is a regular feature of the Backyard Science group. It is a place to note any observations you have made of the world around you. Insects, weather, meteorites, climate, birds and/or...
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