01/10 is Houseplant Appreciation Day
It's Houseplant Appreciation Day. What can one say, they clean the air, bring the outdoors in, soften the hard edges and change the mood. Enjoy them if yu have them, consider getting one or more if...
View Article01/17 is Martin Luther King Jr. Day
YouTube VideoYouTube Video-On this day in history:- 1524 – Giovanni da Verrazzano set sail from Madeira to find a sea route to the Pacific Ocean. 1562 – France granted religious toleration to the...
View Article01/24 - Frederick the Great
Frequent readers may have noted that I rarely include rulers and potentates, emperors, kings, queens, khans and kagans, sultans, presidents, dictators and the like among the noteworthy who were born or...
View Article01/31 - Alan Lomax's Birthday
I first became acquainted with the work(s) of Alan Lomax at a young age thanks to an elder brother with a seemingly precocious interest in folk music. Events led me to Lomax' Folk Songs of North...
View Article02/07 - National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
It is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and I am not remotely qualified to speak to the subject. IF the existence of this day benefits any member of the seeming target population any good...
View Article02/14 - Frederick Douglass Day
- On this day in history: - 1349 – Several hundred Jews were burned to death by mobs while the remaining Jews were forcibly removed from Strasbourg. 1530 – Spanish conquistadores overthrew and...
View Article02/21 - Augusto Sandino & Malcolm X
Agosto Sandino, assassinated 02/21/1934: The US has long had a penchant for running amok abroad, generally ignoring our own laws and Constitution, the so-called laws of nations, laws of man, and laws...
View Article02/28 National Science Day
It's Science Day. What? So, is there a National Science Breakfast? Of course not. First off, those who would hold it probably haven't the faintest idea what science is, though they do know that it...
View ArticleTake a Leek for Saint Davy
Today is Saint David's Day (Welsh: Dydd Gwyl Dewi). Saint David (Dewi Sant) is the patron saint of Wales. On this day many Welsh hie themselves to their local purveyor of leeks, take a leek, and affix...
View Article03/07 is Plant Power Day
Plant Power Day was invented by a European company that specializes in plant based foods. The idea is to make plants and plant based foods the focus of every meal. To each their own. Plants have...
View Article03/14 Pi Day
So, today is Pi Day, or, is it really? Pi Day celebrates the constant Tau divided by two, also known as Pi, but relative to what?. Well, maybe whatever. Ram Das said "be here now", and, with that in...
View Article03/21 International Day of Forests
Today is International Day of Forestsamong other things. As a Californian, I naturally think of the conifer covered Sierras, the giant sequoias, coast redwoods, d ouglas firs and cedars. Others will of...
View Article03/28 - Weed Appreciation Day
A WEEDis a plant considered undesirable in a particular situation, "a plant in the wrong place". (Wikipedia, also traditional). Dandelions, for example are largely considered to be a weed, but you...
View Article04/04 - National Fun Day
National Fun Day is a bewildering idea. Is there a fee? Some little kids used to "have fun" now and then, time and circumstances permitting, at least the lucky ones did, but "fun" all too soon became...
View Article04/11 - International Louie Louie Day
Louie Louie is a song written in 1955 by Richard Berry. Versions have been recorded by great numbers of artists and it has been covered live by vast numbers. Perhaps the version with the greatest...
View Article04/18 - International Amateur Radio Day
It's International Amateur Radio Day Ham radio operators like amateur enthusiasts in most technical fields have contributed a lot to the advancement and spread of both the hobby and the technology...
View Article04/25 Malaria and Carnations
So hey, it's World Malaria Day, created by WHO, which seemingly would like to see something done about malaria; as well as Malaria Awareness Day, created by GW Bush which is a bit of pious twaddle...
View Article05/02 - El dos de Mayo 1808
Goya's El dos de Mayo 1808 memorializes a popular uprising against Napoleon Bonaparte's occupying troops in Madrid on May 2, 1808. The scene in question, "The Charge of the Mamelukes" attempts to...
View Article05/09 - Victory Day
What is Victory Day? VE day, in the west, was and is May 8, however, very late in the day. In fact, the instrument of Nazi Germany's surrender specified an end to combat as of 23:01 Central European...
View Article05/16 International Day of Light
The word light is probably most often used in the sense of visible light, or illumination, or concepts of that ilk where it is not meant to be the opposite of "heavy". "Light", whatever it may be, is...
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