Today is Saint David's Day (Welsh: Dydd Gwyl Dewi). Saint David (Dewi Sant) is the patron saint of Wales. On this day many Welsh hie themselves to their local purveyor of leeks, take a leek, and affix it to their lapel or hat. Lacking a real leek, some will instead use Peter's Leek (Cenhinen Pedr), the daffodil.
About that Leek: The legend is that (St.) David instructed the Welsh soldiers to wear the leek on their helmets in a battle against invading Saxons (which also took place in a field full of leeks.). The idea was so that they could tell friend from foe in the close order melee to come. They won and the leek is their token.
About Leeks: The leek is a vegetable, a member of the Allium family. Like its smaller cousin, the green onion, it can be regrown from the root end. When preparing one or more for cooking, simply leave about 3/4 to 1 inch of the base intact. Place it in a shallow container with enough water to cover the roots and place in a window sill. Change the water as needed and in a while it will begin to sprout a new top. Plant in decent soil and wait for your next leek.
Since I lack any songs about leeks, with apologies to the CYMRU I present
Yep, its a repeat