Today's number is eight
8 is 2 cubed |
Base 8 math is Octal, which is a computer thing, at least on older machines |
There are 8 bits in a byte, at least on older machines |
8 is a fibonacci number (3 + 5) |
An 8 sided polygon is an octopus
A polyhedron with 8 faces is an octahedron |
A cube has 8 corners |
8 is Oxygen |
spiders and other arachnids have 8 legs |
An octopus has 8 tentacles |
An 8 can be a motor vehicle, further specified as a V-8 or a straight 8 |
An 8 or racing 8 is a sweep propelled crew shell with 8 rowers and a coxswain |
A figure 8 is an ice skating figure |
A figure 8 knot is a type of stopper knot |
A Lazy 8 is slang for the infinity symbol |
8 the hard way, in craps, is 2 fours |
8 ball is a type of pocket billiards |
There are 8 furlongs in a mile |
There are 8 tablespoons in a gill. |
There are 8 fluid ounces in a cup |
There are 8 pints ounces in a gallon |
8 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Censorinus and Gallus |
Empress Wang was born |
The Roman poet Horace died |
Empress Xu died |
8 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Camillus and Quinctilianus |
The Roman poet Ovid was banished from Rome and exiled to the Black Sea |
On this date in |
1575 | Leiden University was founded |
1587 | Mary, Queen of Scots, was executed based on suspicion |
1856 | Barbu Dimitrie Stirbei abolished slavery in Wallachia |
1865 | Delaware voters rejected the Thirteenth Amendment and voted to continue the practice of slavery. |
1887 | The Dawes Act authorized the President to divide Native American tribal land into individual allotments |
1904 | A surprise torpedo attack by the Japanese at Port Arthur, China, started the Russo-Japanese War. The war presented numerous lessons about how the face of warfare had changed that went unlearned until they arose again during WW I |
1915 | D. W. Griffith's film The Birth of a Nation premiered in Los Angeles. |
1950 | The Stasi, was established. |
1952 | Elizabeth II was proclaimed Queen of the United Kingdom |
1963 | The Cuba embargo was enacted by the Kennedy administration |
1963 | The government of Prime Minister Qasim of Iraq, was overthrown by the Ba'ath Party |
1996 | Congress passed the Communications Decency Act |
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Born this day in |
412 | Proclus, a Greek mathematician and Neoplatonist philosopher |
1700 | Daniel Bernoulli, a Dutch-Swiss mathematician and physicist |
1819 | John Ruskin, an English author, critic, and academic |
1828 | Jules Verne, a French author, poet, and playwright |
1834 | Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist and academic |
1878 | Martin Buber, an Austrian-Israeli philosopher and academic |
1899 |
Lonnie Johnson, an American singer-songwriter and guitarist |
1926 | Neal Cassady, an American author and poet; a beat legend and holy goof, who was written up by his buddy Keroac |
1931 | James Dean, an American actor and role model |
1932 |
John Williams, an American pianist, composer, and conductor |
1941 |
Tom Rush an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer |
1948 |
Ron Tyson, an American singer-songwriter (The Temptations) |
1960 |
Stuart Hamm, an American bass player |
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Died this day in |
1725 | Peter the Great, a Russian emperor. Instituted what were then modern, scientific and western reforms. |
1957 | John von Neumann, a Hungarian-American mathematician and physicist |
1960 | J. L. Austin, an English philosopher who favored "ordinary language" philosophy. You can guess how that worked out. If you can't, read his "Sense & Sensibilia", but maybe read A.J. Ayer's "Language, Truth & Logic" first. |
1990 |
Del Shannon, an American singer-songwriter and guitarist |
1999 | Iris Murdoch, an Irish-English philosopher and author |
2005 |
Keith Knudsen, an American singer-songwriter and drummer (The Doobie Brothers and Southern Pacific) |
2006 |
Elton Dean, an English saxophonist (Soft Machine) |
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for Neal Cassady, Beat legend and holy goof |
YouTube VideoHolidays, Holy Days, Feasts, Observances and such |
Christian Feast Days of 6 different people and today's date, I shit you not. The (holy?) feast of February 8. |
It's Nirvana Day. No, not the band, stupid, think perpetual samadhi |
It's "Propose Day", folks are supposed to propose marriage to their enamorata, really. I mean, what a toss-up, nirvana or betrothal. Who's got a coin? |
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YouTube Videounavoidable association, sorry |
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YouTube VideoEnnio Morricone it ain't, but that's neither here nor there, I guess
OK, it is an open thread, so go for it
Crossposted from caucus 99%