May 6 is the 126th day of the Gregorian Calendar year, Sweetmorn, Discord 53, 3185 YOLD (discordian), And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count
The 2010 flash crash on this date was due to or exacerbated by a ton of stuff, mostly stuff that the big brokerage houses and traders do all day every damn day, like computerized high speed trading. Lesser similar carshes preceded the event in question and continue to this day. However, somebody had to be made to psy ofr one that big. A small day trader who made a $40 million profit off of it was chosen to be the fall guy, because those types of instant profits are reserved for the big guys. He was charged with an assortment of things which the government and exchanges then immediately rushed to, prohibiting some of them in July under Dodd-Frank and again in 2015 under something else. Rarely does the criminalization so blatantly follow the event which is to be the basis of the eventual charges and arrest. All of it still goes on, but small players are now under notice not to win big using automted high speed trading tricks commonly used by the big firms unless they have the volume of trades and capital reserves necessary to claim it was an innocent error. Interesting quick reads: and Note that the first case officially brought under Dodd-Frank concerned 2011 trading because it wasn't even passed when the Flash Crash occurred. All the dsame, the day trader was persecuted and bankrupted. Funny how that works.
Twenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift, look out kid, ...
On this day in history:
1877 – Chief Crazy Horse of the Oglala Lakota surrendered. Four months later he was bayonetted to death by one of his guards. 1882 – Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act. 1889 – The Eiffel Tower was officially opened to the public 1935 – Executive Order 7034 created the Works Progress Administration. 1949 – EDSAC, the first practical electronic digital stored-program computer, ran its first operation 2010 – The 2010 "Flash Crash" dropped the DOW almost 1000 points in 36 minutes.
Born this day in: 1758 – Maximilien Robespierre, lawyer and politician 1856 – Sigmund Freud, shrink who discovered satan, the self, and jesus, or something like that. 1868 – Gaston Leroux, journalist and author 1872 – Willem de Sitter, mathematician, physicist, and astronomer 1902 – Harry Golden, journalist and author 1915 – Theodore H. White, historian, journalist, and author 1924 – Denny Wright, guitarist, composer, and producer. 1939 – Eddie C. Campbell, singer and guitarist 1945 – Bob Seger, singer, songwriter, and suitarist 1960 – John Flansburgh, singer, songwriter, and guitarist; possible giant 1968 – Lætitia Sadier, singer and keyboard player 1971 – Chris Shiflett, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
Died this day in: 1862 – Henry David Thoreau, essayist, poet, and philosopher 1902 – Bret Harte, author and poet 1919 – L. Frank Baum, noverlist 1952 – Maria Montessori, physician and educator 1963 – Theodore von Kármán, mathematician, physicist, and engineer 1963 – Ted Weems, violinist, trombonist, and bandleader 2002 – Otis Blackwell, singer, songwriter and pianist 2004 – Barney Kessel, guitarist and composer 2006 – Grant McLennan, singer, songwriter, and guitarist 2014 – Farley Mowat, environmentalist and author
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such: International No Diet Day
Music goes here, iirc, well,
2010 Flash Crash
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Siggy the Freud
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Denny Wright
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Eddie C Campbell
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Bob Seger
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Laetitia Sadler
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Chris Shiflett
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Ted Weems
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Otis Blackwell
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Barney Kessel
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Image is Spanferkel in Brotia 06122015
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