It's Day 114 of the Year 2019 CE (Gregorian), meaning that it's April 24, 2019 (Gregorian), or by the long count May 1 is International Workers' Day or Labour Day UNLESS you live in the US, where you have a choice of celebrating either LAW DAY or LOYALTY DAY. Both were created to offset and stand as a rejection of Labor Day, and will no doubt soon be fused into one with the motto Loyalty - It's The Law and all residents and visitors will be required to parade around waving US flags. Really, May 1 1884 saw the proclamation of the demand for an eight-hour workday in the United States. May 1, 1886 saw rallies held throughout the United States demanding the eight-hour work day which culminated in the Haymarket affair, in commemoration of which May 1 is now celebrated as International Workers' Day in many other countries, but not here. Instead, the US is lucky it didn't get "shoot the striking miners day" or somesuch. Ptui!
I will be unavailable, but will celebrate Labor Day in a proper manner.
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x YouTube VideoOriginally a Wobbly song until they broke the Wobblies through oppression, terrorism, frame-ups and murders
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Image is WD Haywood Leading the Lowell Strike Parade from the Library of Congress - no known copyight restrictions
Its an open thread so have at it. The floor is yours . Cross posted from