and it is also Sweetmorn, Confusion 15, 3184 YOLD (for you Discordians out there)
World History this day
1462 - Vlad III the Impaler attempted to assassinate Mehmed II 1579 - Sir Francis Drake claimed California for England 1673 - Marquette and Jolliet reached the Mississippi 1767 - Samuel Wallis sighted Tahiti 1775 - The (first) Battle of Bunker Hill. * 1839 - Kamehameha III issued the edict of toleration letting Roman Catholics worship their way 1843 - The Wairau Affray, between Maori and British settlers colonists ** 1900 - Western and Japanese imperialist forces captured the Taku Forts in Tianjin, China. 1940 - Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia were occupied by the Soviet Union. 1944 - Iceland declared independence 1991 - South Africa repealed the Population Registration Act
* The hardest battle was ever on Bunker Hill, when me and a bunch of cowboys run into Buffalo Bill - Leadbelly ** I'm sorry, but those who "settle" somebody else's land, except by invitation, are not settlers, they are colonists.
US History this day
1876 - The Battle of the Rosebud: Sioux and Cheyenne beat US forces 1877 - The Battle of White Bird Canyon: Nez Perce beat US cavalry 1930 - Herbie Hoover signed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act 1932 - The Bonus Army massed at the Capitol to no avail 1963 - The Supremes banned forcing students to recite Bible verses and the "Lord's Prayer" in public schools 1972 - Five White House operatives were busted for burgling the offices of the DNC 1992 - Bush and Yeltsin agreed to what would become START II
Science & Technology this day
1922 - Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral completed the first aerial crossing of the South Atlantic.
The Arts this day
Misc. this day
1987 - The dusky seaside sparrow became extinct
Birthdays of Note this day
1704 - John Kay, engineer, invented the flying shuttle 1818 - Charles Gounod, composer 1832 - William Crookes, chemist and physicist, vacuum tube (Crookes' tube) pioneer 1882 - Igor Stravinsky, pianist, composer, and conductor 1898 - M. C. Escher, illustrator and artist 1910 - Red Foley, singer, songwriter, and guitarist 1914 - John Hersey, journalist and author 1927 - Wally Wood, author, illustrator, and publisher 1930 - Cliff Gallup, guitarist 1940 - Chuck Rainey, bassist 1943 - Barry Manilow, singer, songwriter, and producer 1943 - Burt Rutan, engineer and pilot 1945 - Eddy Merckx, cycling legend 1947 - Gregg Rolie, singer, songwriter, and keyboard player 1957 - Philip Chevron, singer, songwriter, and guitarist 1958 - Jello Biafra, singer, songwriter, and producer
Deaths of Note this day
1631 - Mumtaz Mahal, wife of Shah Jahan, reason for the Taj Mahal 1719 - Joseph Addison, essayist, poet, playwright, and politician,co-founded The Spectator 1954 - Danny Cedrone, guitarist and bandleader 1986 - Kate Smith, singer 1996 - Thomas Kuhn, physicist, historian, and philosopher
So now some music
x YouTube VideoRed Foley
x YouTube VideoCliff Gallup
x YouTube Video x YouTube VideoChuck Rainey
x YouTube VideoBarry Manilow
x YouTube VideoGregg Rolie
x YouTube VideoPhilip Chevron
x YouTube VideoJello Biafra
x YouTube VideoMumtaz Mahal
x YouTube VideoDanny Cedrone
x YouTube Video x YouTube Video-
Photo: is Yaqui Wash from the Kenyon Overlook by the author (The Anza-Borrego Desert, looking roughly Southeast from the top of Yaqui Pass)
It's an open thread, so do your thing
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