June 11 is the 162nd day of the year, there are 203 days left
Tis Boomtime, Confusion 16, 3184 YOLD for the discordians
Today's number is 11
11 and its multiples generate fun fractions (more later)
11 is the smallest positive integer with a 3 syllable name 11 is the 5th prime and the smallest 2 digit prime If a number is divisible by 11, so is its reverse, for example: 165 and 561 if no 2 consective digits of a number add up to more than nine, then multiplying it by eleven generates a number which is the reverse of the product of the original number's reverse multiplied by 11. Example: 15 x 11=165 and 51 x 11 = 651
OK, deep breath 11 goes into 99 exactly 9 times. As a result, the decimal expansion of any common fraction with 11 in the denominator will be a two digit infinite repeat. 1/11 = .09 repeated, 2/11 = .18 repeated, 3/11 = .27 repeated, 4/11 = .36 repeated, etc. The repeating 2 digits are the product of the numerator and .09 for numerators less than 11. For example, 7 x .09 = .63, so 7/9 = .63 repeated indefinitely.
An 11 sided polygon is a hendecagon or an undecagon
11 is significant in Thelema 11 is a master number in Numerology
11 is a come out win at craps 11 is sodium
There are 11 players per side on the field at one time in soccer, cricket, field hockey and US style football
Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring", has 11 consecutive repetitions of the same chord. Spinal Tap's amplifiers go up to eleven. There is a Grateful Dead song named "The Eleven" which has an 11/8 time signature.
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Title 11 of the US Code is BANKRUPTCY
11 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Tubero and Maximus Herod the Great died Nero Claudius Drusus was victorious at the Battle of the Lupia River and then built fortresses near Bonn, Dorsten, Haltern, and Oberaden -
11 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Lepidus and Taurus Artabanus III of the Arsacid Dynasty became ruler of Parthia
On this day in:
1184 BCE - Troy was sacked and burned per Eratosthenes' math 0980 - Vladimir the Great consolidated the Kievan realm, becoming ruler of the Kievan Rus. 1776 - The Continental Congress appointed a Committee of Five to draft a declaration of independence. 1788 - Russian explorer Gerasim Izmailov reached Alaska. 1895 - The Paris-Bordeaux-Parismotor race took place 1935 - Edwin Armstrong gave the first US public demonstration of FM broadcasting 1936 - The London International Surrealist Exhibition opened 1942 - The US agreed to send Lend-Lease aid to the Soviet Union. 1962 - Frank Morris, John Anglin and Clarence Anglin escaped from Alcatraz 1963 - George Wallace stood at the door at the U of Alabama to block two black students 1963 - Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc burned himself in Saigon 1963 - JFK proposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 1970 - Anna Mae Hays and Elizabeth P. Hoisington became the first female U.S. Army Generals 1971 - The feds forcibly removed the last Alcatraz occupiers 1987 - Britain's first black MPs were elected 2008 - Stephen Harper made an official apology to Canada's First Nations
Born this day in:
1572 - Ben Jonson, poet, playwright, and critic 1776 - John Constable, painter 1864 - Richard Strauss, composer and conductor 1876 - Alfred L. Kroeber, anthropologist and ethnologist; Ishi's buddy 1880 - Jeannette Rankin, politician and women's rights advocate 1888 - Bartolomeo Vanzetti, anarchist murdered by the state of Massachusetts 1910 - Carmine Coppola, flute player and composer 1910 - Jacques Cousteau, biologist, author, and inventor 1920 - Shelly Manne, drummer, composer, and bandleader 1920 - Hazel Scott, pianist, singer, and actress 1925 - William Styron, novelist and essayist 1949 - Frank Beard, drummer and songwriter (ZZ Top) 1954 - Johnny Neel, singer, songwriter and keyboard player 1955 - Duncan Steel, astronomer and author 1956 - Simon Plouffe, mathematician 1956 - Jamaaladeen Tacuma, bass player and bandleader
Died this day in:
323 BCE - Alexander the Great, king 1936 - Robert E. Howard, author and poet 1937 - R. J. Mitchell, engineer, designed the Supermarine Spitfire 1963 - Thich Quang Duc, Vietnamese monk 2001 - Amalia Mendoza, singer and actress 2003 - David Brinkley, journalist and author
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such: Kamehameha Day (Hawaii, United States)
Richard Strauss
x YouTube VideoBartolomeo Vanzetti
x YouTube VideoCarmine Coppola
x YouTube VideoShelly Manne
x YouTube VideoHazel Scott
x YouTube Video x YouTube Video x YouTube VideoFrank Beard
x YouTube Video x YouTube VideoJohnny Neel
x YouTube VideoAmalia Mendoza
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picture: The statue of King Kamehameha the Great, photo by Charles O'Rear
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Crossposted from http://caucus99percent.com