06/10 Open Thread: Ballpoint Pen Day, Portugal Day & La Rioja Day
Bridget Bishop was hanged as a witch on this day in 1892, which was good and proper. Many testified that she was a witch, and the esteemed preacher and scientist Cotton Mather FRS (Fellow of the Royal...
View Article06/17 Open Thread: World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
Fun coincidences In 1839 Kamehameha III issued an edict of tolerance, mandating religious tolerance in Hawaii, and in 1963 the Supreme Court did more of less the same thing in Abington School District...
View Article06/24 Open Thread- UFO Day, Prodigious Battles and Bad Law
This was a day of significant Battles. In 217 BCE, Hannibal pulled off the first recorded "turning movement" and the largest recorded ambush by the largest recorded ambushing force at Lake Trasimene....
View Article07/01 - the Holy Feast of the Genocidal Imperialist SOB Junipero Serra
Junípero Serra was born in Spain in 1713, educated by the Franciscans, and eventually became a priest, missionary and inquisitor of the Franciscan order as well as a colonist of the conquistador,...
View Article7/8 Open Thread - Kevin Bacon's Birthday
I continue to hear and see items purporting to be information that involve phrases like Russia(n), China, Mob, Cartel, DNC, GOP, and/or many other things "linked". Stuff like "hackers linked to Peru...
View Article7/15 Open Thread: Linda Ronstadt's Birthday & Bonaparte's Surrender
On July 15, 1240, Alexander Nevsky, Prince of Novgorod led a Novgorodan army to bictory over invading Swedish forces at the battle of the Neva, earning himself the title of Nevsky. On July 15, 1806,...
View Article07/22 Pi Approximation Day
Hokay, elsewhere 07-22-2019 (7/22) is written 22-07-2019 (22/7) and 22/7 is a classic early approximation of Pi that possibly even predated pi. Ergo, Pi Approximation Day. OR, perhaps, more simply,...
View Article07/29 Open Thread - International Tiger Day
The Tyger Tyger, Tyger, so adroit In cereals, gas tanks, and Detroit what immoral mind and eye spawned this ugly travesty -- ~ E. Bernays - We know the exact date on which Pakal took the throne because...
View Article08/05 Open Thread - National Underwear Day
On August 5, 1735 a person was acquitted of Seditious Libel against the Royal Governor of New York because he was telling the truth. Boy was that ever another world. Today we persecute such people...
View Article08/12 Open Thread - World Elephant Day
It should be pretty much the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, and, I shit you not, it is called The Glorious Twelfth in Britain because it is the start of the Grouse Shooting season. I don't know if...
View Article8/19 Open Thread - World Humanitarian Day
So here's the story - World Humanitraian Day requires that I have some sort of relevant picture, so I went off in search of public domain pics relating to "humanitarian" . I got the above, a special...
View Article08/26 Open Thread - Womens's Equality Day in the US
WOW! Just think about it, women get to be equal for one entire day, ain't that something? Well, at least it would be something if they actually got to be fully equal in all respects, even if only for...
View Article9/2 Open Thread - Liliuokalani's Birthday!
The US recognizes but no longer really celebrates VJ Day, and recognizes National Blueberry Popsicle Day, but not the queen we overthrew in order to seize Hawai'i.Some of Today's HolidaysPierce Your...
View Article9/9 Open Thread - The Day The US Was Named + Teutoburger Wald
On 09-09-1776, the Continental Congress named their domain "The United States of America". Simple and descriptive, they were a union of separate states, which were localed in America. At that time, I...
View Article09/16 Open Thread - El Grito de Dolores
On September 16, 1810, in Dolores Nuevo España (now Doloes HIdalgo, Mexico) at about 2:30 am, Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla had the bell of the local parish church rung, gathered the populace and...
View Article09/23 Open Thread - International Day of Sign Languages
What "sign language" I know is generally frowned upon in polite society, leaving me at a loss for words. OTOH, perhaps signal flags would fly, but they are cumbersome, and semaphore is not really good...
View Article09/30 Open Thread - International Blasphemy Rights Day
Do we really need a blasphemy rights day? Most probably yes, especially globally, In the USofA it would seem to be covered by the First Amendment, twice; the right to free speech and freedom of...
View Article10/07 Open Thread - National Inner Beauty Day
I do get what they're trying to do here, but the language just doesn't do it. Perhaps because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or perhaps because it is only skin deep, but it is something more...
View Article10/14 Open Thread - World Standards Day (International)
Today is World Standards Day. Standards are very important. Take for example NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter, intended to also serve as a communications relay for the Mars Polar Lander and Deep Space...
View Article10/21 Open Thread – Trafalgar Day
On October 21, 1805, a British Fleet of 27 ships of the line commanded by Admiral Lord Nelson defeated a combined Spanish and French fleet of 33 ships of the line commanded by Admiral Villeneuve of...
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