9/11 Open Thread: Food versus Health and more
This column, except for he qualities of the odors, might be considered to be some sort of pot pourri. I'll just start with the head -- - Food versus Health Last week I wrote a column entitled Food for...
View ArticleMonday OT: September 16 is El Grito de Dolores
September 16 is day 259 of the Gregorian Calendar year, Prickle-Prickle, Bureaucracy 40, 3185 YOLD (discordian), And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count On this day in history: - On...
View Article9/18 Open Thread: To Sleep, Perchance To Dream
It seems that my reading materials of late have been loaded with articles on sleep and various aspects thereof up to and including work being done on trying to "find a cure" for sleep (as if such a...
View ArticleMore US Drone Murders and More US Lying about them
Link first: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-afghanistan-attack-drones-idUSKBN1W40NWboring details from a comment I posted on c99p:Official Narrative:“U.S. forces conducted a drone strike against...
View ArticleMonday OT: September 23 is Celebrate Bisexuality Day (worldwide)
September 23 is day 266 of the Gregorian Calendar year, Sweetmorn, Bureaucracy 47, 3185 YOLD (discordian), And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count - On this day in history: - On...
View Article9/18 Open Thread: What's Broken & Who Broke it??
- Damn, what a topic. That could be anything, the climate, the economy, our economic system, our political system, that cheap meat thermometer I ordered online or the expensive gadget that I...
View ArticleIt's 9/26 and ancient evil continues to burden us all
Today is the anniversary of the Papal Bull Dudum siquidem, some truly evil shit that supplemented the bull Inter caetera, which followed up on the bull Aeterni regis and, between them made all lands...
View ArticleCaitlin's Blessing
On 9/24, my e-mail contained a "New post on Caitlin Johnstone" which was A Blessing For Anyone written by Caitlin Johnstone, which I found to be quite interesting. Sufficiently so that I actually...
View ArticleMonday OT: September 30 is International Translation Day
September 30 is day 273 of the Gregorian Calendar year, Pungenday, Bureaucracy 54, 3185 YOLD (discordian), And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count - On this day in history: -...
View Article9/18 Open Thread: Food or fad, What's on your plate?
There's been a lot of talk of late of diets and dietary impact on health and all that, here and elsewhere. It isn't a new phenomena, just one that seems to be increasing or accelerating, in part...
View ArticleRIP OPOL
OPOL was a caring, kind, and good person; a good writer and staunch advocate for peace, reason, and prison reform. A proud certified DFH and long-time member of the DFH Writers Group. He will be...
View ArticleMonday OT: October 7 is National Inner Beauty Day
September 30 is day 280 of the Gregorian Calendar year, Setting Orange, Bureaucracy 61, 3185 (discordian), And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count - On this day in history: - The...
View Article10/09 Open Thread: Were the Gallina People Ancient Hippies?
- "Turn on, tune in, drop out" said Dr. Leary, and some, maybe many, did. Many others approximated that condition to varying degrees. Hippies, and DFHs, were not a homogenous culture, and many...
View ArticleMonday OT: October 14 is World Standards Day (International)
September 30 is day 287 of the Gregorian Calendar year, Boomtime, Bureaucracy 68, 3185 YOLD (discordian), And let us not forget by the Mayan Long CountOn this day in history: - On October...
View Article0/16 Open Thread: More Bernays plus This and That
Prefatory blah, blah: This column will e getting somewhat short shrift. It seems that I have become some sort of entropy attractor, or more than usual, at any rate. Way behind, way busy and massively...
View ArticleMonday OT: October 21 is Trafalgar Day
October 21 is day 294 of the Gregorian Calendar year, Prickle-Prickle, The Aftermath 2, 3185 YOLD (discordian), And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count On this day in history: - On...
View Article10/23 Open Thread: It's Mole Day!
Please Note! Before I go any further, given the headline topic, it behooves me to point out that there are great benefits to perusing the material on Mole day. You may be a chemist who is sure that you...
View ArticleMonday OT: October 28 is International Animation Day (ASIFA)
October 28 is day 301 of the Gregorian Calendar year, Sweetmorn, The Aftermath 9, 3185 YOLD (discordian), And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count - On this day in history: - On...
View Article8/30 OT: Report from Kakistan + Arithmetic
I'm writing this from the NorCal Kakistan where we are once again without power for an indefinite time and where the CEO of the perpetrator has assured us tha this will be the new normal for the next...
View ArticleMonday OT: November 4 is King Tut Day
November 4 is day 308 of the Gregorian Calendar year, Pungenday, The Aftermath 16, 3185 YOLD (discordian), And let us not forget by the Mayan Long CountOn this day in history: - On November...
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