Today is day 320 of the Gregorian Calendar year, Setting Orange, The Aftermath 28, 3186 YOLD And let us not forget mlc (the Mayan Long Count)
Tolerance: Noun - the capacity to endure continued subjection to something, especially a drug, transplant, antigen, or environmental conditions, without adverse reaction. Wait? What? Hang on a minute here -- OK, that's a United Nations Holiday, A Day of Tolerance, so I guess it is as good as we can expect, and far less wordy than most of them are, so a small win there. There is much good in the underlying motivation, so I'll give it that too, but "tolerance" really? That seriously does not cut it. I've had the misfortune to have been injured and generally busted up time and again and, as a result, have developed something of a tolerance for pain. You tolerate noisy neighbors. If circumstances force you to live in an industrial neighborhood or food desert, you learn to tolerate all of the conditions that are part of living in such a locale. You do not, however, tolerate good, tasty foods and wines, comfort, warmth, clean air, good friends, and nice scenery, but instead relish and enjoy those things. There is an assumption embedded in this language and the viewpoint it represents that if somebody differs from me in some way, be it hair style, gender, speech, language, color or "race" (whatever that may be), dietary preferences, religion, culture, or anything else, then that should cause me pain, stress, anxiety or other discomfort, which I should then (wo)man up and tolerate. The fact that such people exist or that those differences exist is not painful or distressing, nor should it be. I am not the norm nor the standard to which others should be compared in any respect. That has been made very clear to me throughout my entire life. But that is pretty much true of any of us, we are none of us all that special. Our differences should be savored and celebrated. What else keeps us from being some boring, bland, homogeneous porridge of drones and clones? It is from our differences that we learn, grow and develop as individuals, and evolve as cultures. We should rejoice in our differences and be eager to embrace our fellow humans. Tolerance is simply the wrong concept and the wrong word.
On this day in history:
534 – Justinian I published the second and final revision of the Codex Justinianus 1491 – An auto-da-fé, held in the Brasero de la Dehesa outside of Ávila, concluded the case of the Holy Child of La Guardia with the public execution of several Jewish and converso suspects. 1532 – Francisco Pizarro and his men captured Inca Emperor Atahualpa. 1776 – The United Provinces (Low Countries) recognized the independence of the United States. 1822 – William Becknell arrived in Santa Fe, New Mexico, over a route that became known as the Santa Fe Trail. 1849 – A Russian court sentenced writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky to death for anti-government activities but his sentence was later commuted to hard labor. 1852 – John Russell Hind discovered the asteroid 22 Kalliope. 1855 – David Livingstone became the first European to see the Victoria Falls. 1871 – The National Rifle Association received its charter from New York State. 1885 – Louis Riel, leader of the Métis, was executed for treason. 1904 – John Ambrose Fleming received a patent for the thermionic valve (vacuum tube). 1907 – Oklahoma was admitted as the 46th U.S. state. 1914 – The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States officially opened. 1920 – Qantas airline was founded 1933 – The United States and the Soviet Union established formal diplomatic relations. 1938 – LSD was first synthesized by Albert Hofmann from ergotamine 1940 – The Nazis closed off the Warsaw Ghetto from the outside world. 1940 – George Metesky placed his first bomb. 1945 – UNESCO was founded. 1965 – The Soviet Union launched the first spacecraft to reach the surface of another planet. 1973 – Skylab program: NASA launched Skylab 4 with a crew of three astronauts from Cape Canaveral, Florida for an 84-day mission. 1973 – Nixon signed the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act into law, authorizing the construction of the Alaska Pipeline. 1989 – El Salvadoran army troops killed six Jesuit priests and two others at Jose Simeon Canas University. 1992 – The Hoxne Hoard was discovered in Hoxne, Suffolk.
Born this day in:
In civitate libera linguam mentemque liberas esse debere (jactabat). In a free state there should be freedom of speech and thought.-- Tiberius
42 BCE – Tiberius, Roman empe1ror 643 – Jean Chardin, jeweler and explorer 1717 – Jean le Rond d'Alembert, mathematician, physicist, and philosopher 1720 – Carlo Antonio Campioni, composer ( 1806 – Mary Tyler Peabody Mann, author and educator 1836 – Kalakaua of Hawaii 1873 – W. C. Handy, trumpet player and composer 1894 – Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, philosopher and politician 1895 – Paul Hindemith, violinist, composer, and conductor 1899 – Mary Margaret McBride, radio host 1905 – Eddie Condon, guitarist and banjo player 1916 – Al Lucas, bassist 1927 – Dolo Coker, pianist and composer 1931 – Hubert Sumlin, singer and guitarist 1933 – Garnet Mimms, R&B singer 1935 – Elizabeth Drew, journalist and author 1938 – Troy Seals, singer, songwriter, and guitarist. 1941 – Angelo Gilardino, guitarist, composer, and musicologist 1941 – Dan Penn, singer, songwriter, and producer 1945 – Teenie Hodges, guitarist and songwriter 1946 – Colin Burgess, drummer and songwriter 1946 – Barbara Smith, writer 1946 – Beverly Smith, writer 1948 – Chi Coltrane, singer, songwriter, and pianist 1959 – Glenda Bailey, journalist 1962 – Mani, bass player 1963 – Steve Argüelles, drummer and producer 1964 – Diana Krall, singer, songwriter ,and pianist 1966 – Joey Cape, singer, songwriter, guitarist, and producer 1966 – Dave Kushner, guitarist 1966 – Christian Lorenz, keyboard player 1970 – Logan Mader, guitarist and producer 1972 – Missi Pyle, actress and singer 1976 – Dan Black, singer and songwriter 1977 – Gigi Edgley, singer, songwriter, and actress 1978 – Carolina Parra, guitarist and drummer 1981 – Allison Crowe, singer and songwriter 1981 – Kate Miller-Heidke, singer and songwriter
Died this day in:
Life, without the dignity of an intelligent being, is not worth having.
-- Louis Riel 1131 – Dobrodeia of Kiev, Rus princess and author of medical books 1240 – Ibn Arabi, Arab philosopher 1628 – Paolo Quagliati, organist and composer 1885 – Louis Riel, lawyer and politician 1973 – Alan Watts, philosopher, author, and educator 1984 – Vic Dickenson, trombonist 1994 – Chet Powers, aka Dino Valenti, singer,songwriter, and guitarist 2001 – Tommy Flanagan, pianist and composer 2013 – Robert Conley, journalist 2015 – Michael C. Gross, Agraphic designer and producer 2018 – William Goldman, novelist, playwright, and screenwriter 2019 – John Campbell Brown, astronomer
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such: International Day for Tolerance (United Nations) National Fast Food Day (USA)
Music goes here, iirc, well, With apologies ;-)
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