Hola! once more and once again into the breech. Yet again we celebrate the celebrated pillage or Rome by Alaric and the Visigoths.
Right now I’m a tad pressed for time, so this is also re-run time:
t seems that sacking involves a modicum of looting and pillaging, hence a container for the loot, and what else but a sack (re-usable, please, no single use paper or plastic). Being principally of Celtish background, things latin don’t come that easily to me, so I made the fatal error of doing some dictionary work, and discovered that Eddie Izzard was indeed right, Latin is a very, very silly language. (this is probably why it eventually fell, not Mr. Izzard, but the language).
Translations of sacknounsaccus
sack, bag, satchel, walletlatrocinium
brigandage, robbery, piracy, plunder, soldiering, sack
First off, how the hell did they ever derive “bolsa” from saccus (pl. sacci)? Second, brigandage, by longstanding understanding, dating from Rome itself, is specifically Not Soldiering. Any hint of soldiering removes an activity from the brigandage and piracy categories by very definition. Brigands are homo sacer, but let’s not go there, not today at any rate.
So, grab a re-usable bag or bolsa, fill it with good(ie)s and get to work. After all, weren’t we all, to a degree,
And, really, latin, elephanten, qu’est ce que?
So, given that, they obviously deserved what they got, go go for it.