April 27 is day 125 of the Gregorian Calendar year,
Prickle-Prickle, Discord 51, 3186 YOLD (Discordian)
And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count
Yes, it's World Nekkid Gardening Day and why not? One of humankind's more popular mythologies holds that the very first gardeners were buck nekkid and happily so until they felt compelled to hide themselves from some wrathful celestial peeping tom who was outraged because his plan to keep them both nekkid and iggerant unto perpetuity was ruined by some promethian spirit, portrayed as a reptile because the early proponents of this myth were deadly afraid of reptiles which they accordingly portrayed as evilness incrnate. .
On this day in history:-
1415 – Religious reformers John Wycliffe and Jan Hus were condemned as heretics at the Council of Constance. This led to the Hussite wars, the revolt of Bohemia and Moravia, and other good stuff.
1493 – Pope Alexander VI divided the New World between Spain and Portugal along the Line of Demarcation. This led to centuries of unmitigated evil and depravity, but, hey, what are Popes for if not evil and depravity
1626 – Dutch explorer Peter Minuit arrived in New Netherland (Manhattan Island)
1776 – Rhode Island became the first American colony to renounce allegiance to King George III, ya know, one island to another.
1886 – A bomb was (or was not) thrown at policemen trying to break up a labor rally in Chicago,killing eight and wounding 60. The police then fired into the crowd.
1904 – The United States began construction of the Panama Canal.
1953 – Hemingway won the Pulitzer Prize for The Old Man and the Sea.
1959 – The 1st Annual Grammy Awards were held.
1961 – The "Freedom Riders" began a bus trip through the South.
1961 – Malcolm Ross and Victor Prather attained a new altitude record for manned balloon flight ascending to 113,740 feet.
1970 – The Ohio National Guard, opened fire on unarmed students killing four and wounding nine others.
1972 – The Don't Make A Wave Committee, officially changed its name to "Greenpeace Foundation".
1979 – Margaret Thatcher becomes the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, predictabley leading to ...
1982 – The British destroyer HMS Sheffield was hit by an Argentinian Exocet missile during the Falklands War, killing 20.
1989 – Ollie North was convicted of some crimes.
Born this day in:
1655 – Bartolomeo Cristofori, instrument maker, invented the piano
1796 – Horace Mann, educator and politician
1825 – Thomas Henry Huxley, biologist, anatomist, and academic
1827 – John Hanning Speke, soldier and explorer, I will not Speke ill of him because he ain't here.
1852 – Alice Liddell, model; you remember Alice
1905 – Al Dexter, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1917 – Edward T. Cone, pianist and composer
1923 – Ed Cassidy, drummer
1928 – Maynard Ferguson, trumpet player and bandleader
1937 – Ron Carter, bassist and educator
1937 – Dick Dale, guitarist, singer, and songwriter
1938 – Tyrone Davis, singer
1942 – Nickolas Ashford, singer, songwriter, pianist, and producer
1950 – Darryl Hunt, bass player
1951 – Colin Bass, bass player, songwriter, and producer
1951 – Jackie Jackson, singer-songwriter and dancer
1959 – Randy Travis, singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor
1961 – Jay Aston, singer-songwriter and dancer
1970 – Gregg Alexander, singer-songwriter and producer
1972 – Mike Dirnt, bass player and songwriter
Died this day in:
1912 – Nettie Stevens, geneticist credited with discovering sex chromosomes
1916 – Ned Daly, Irish rebel commander (Easter Rising)
1916 – Joseph Plunkett, Irish rebel and writer
1916 – Willie Pearse, Irish rebel
1987 – Paul Butterfield, singer and harmonica player
1990 – Emily Remler, guitarist
1991 – Mohammed Abdel Wahab, singer, songwriter, and mandolin player
2000 – Hendrik Casimir, physicist and academic
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:
Anti-Bullying Day (United Nations)
Bird Day (United States)
Dave Brubeck Day
International Firefighters' Day
Star Wars Day (International observance)
World Naked Gardening Day
Music goes here, iirc, well, With apologies ;-)
World Nekkid Gardening Day
Bird Day
Dave Brubeck Day
Alice Liddell
Al Dexter
Ed Cassidy
Maynard Ferguson
Ron Carter
Dick Dale
Tyrone Davis
Nickolas Ashford
Colin Bass
Paul Butterfield
Emily Remler
Colin Bass
It's an open thread, so do your thing-
Cross posted from http://caucus99percent.com