November 18 is day 322 of the Gregorian Calendar year, Boomtime, The Aftermath 30, 3185 YOLD (discordian), And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count On this day in history:
-1095 – The Council of Clermont began: leading to the First Crusade
-1302 – Pope Boniface VIII issued the Papal bull Unam sanctam, creating some sort of spiritual fascism.
-1803 – The Battle of Vertières, was fought, leading to the establishment of the Republic of Haiti,
-1865 – Mark Twain's "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" was published
-1872 – Susan B. Anthony and 14 other women were arrested for voting while female
-1903 – Panama gave the US exclusive rights over the Canal Zone in the Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty.
-1909 – The US sent two warships plus some marines to set up a base in Nicaragua for attacks on the government of José Santos Zelaya. This was in part because Nicaragua was a threat to create a shipping path between the atlantic and pacific competing with the Panama Canal.
-1928 – Steamboat Willie was released, eventually leading to our obscenely extended copyright laws
-1961 –JFK sent 18,000 soldiers to South Vietnam as, heh, "advisors".
-1978 – The Jonestown massacre went down, making a meme out of kool-aid
-1988 – Reagan signed a bill into law allowing the death penalty for drug traffickers.
-1993 –The US House of Representatives. approved NAFTA. Thanks Bill.
-2002 – United Nations weapons inspectors led by Hans Blix arrived in Iraq but GWB and his entire cabinet were able to lie the US into war on Iraq all the same..
-2003 – The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that the state's ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional and gave the state legislature 180 days to change the law. This made Massachusetts the first state in the United States to grant marriage rights to same-sex couples. (Goodridge v. Department of Public Health)
- -Born this day in:
-1787 – Louis Daguerre, physicist and photographer, invented the daguerreotype
-1810 – Asa Gray, botanist
-1836 – W. S. Gilbert, playwright, poet, and illustrator
-1860 – Ignacy Jan Paderewski, pianist, composer, and politician,
-1861 – Dorothy Dix, journalist and author
-1882 – Wyndham Lewis, painter and critic
-1882 – Frances Gertrude McGill, pioneering forensic pathologist
-1899 – Eugene Ormandy, violinist and conductor
-1899 – Howard Thurman, author, philosopher and civil rights activist
-1901 – George Gallup, statistician
-1908 – Imogene Coca, actress, comedian, and singer
-1909 – Johnny Mercer, singer, songwriter and producer, co-founder of Capitol Records
-1927 – Hank Ballard, singer and songwriter
-1928 – Sheila Jordan, singer, songwriter, and pianist
-1936 – Don Cherry, trumpet player
-1944 – Edwin C. Krupp, astronomer, archaeoastronomer, author, Director Griffith Observatory
-1945 – Wilma Mankiller, activist, social worker, and first female principal chief of the Cherokee Nation
-1946 – Chris Rainbow, singer, songwriter, and producer
-1950 – Graham Parker, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
-1950 – Rudy Sarzo, rock bass player
-1952 – John Parr, singer, songwriter and guitarist
-1953 – Jan Kuehnemund, rock guitarist
-1957 – Tony Bunn, bassist, composer, producer, and writer
-1960 – Kim Wilde, singer & songwriter
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Died this day in: 1247 – Robin Hood, heroic outlaw in English folklore; nothing about him, including his existence, is known with any certainty, except, it seems, his death.
-1922 – Marcel Proust, author and critic
-1952 – Paul Éluard, poet and author (b. 1895)
-1962 – Niels Bohr, physicist, and academic,
-1965 – Henry A. Wallace, agronomist and bureaucrat,
-1969 – Ted Heath, trombonist and bandleader
-1972 – Danny Whitten, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
-1976 – Man Ray, photographer and painter
-1994 – Cab Calloway, singer, songwriterand bandleader
-1999 – Doug Sahm, singer, guitarist, bajo sexto, and fiddle player. Sir Douglas, Texas Tornado.
-2004 – Cy Coleman, pianist and composer
-2010 – Brian G. Marsden, astronomer
-2013 – S. R. D. Vaidyanathan, nadaswaram player and composer
-2014 – Dave Appell, singer, songwriter. and producer
-2016 – Sharon Jones, soul and funk singer
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Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such: Apple Cider Day Occult Day William Tell Day
- - -Music goes here, iirc, well, With apologies ;-)
Goodridge v. Department of Public Health x YouTube Video - WS Gilbert x YouTube Video - Johnny Mercer x YouTube Video - Hank Ballard x YouTube Video - Sheila Jordan x YouTube Video - Don Cherry x YouTube Video - Chris Rainbow x YouTube Video - Graham Parker x YouTube Video - John Parr x YouTube Video - Jan Kuehnemund x YouTube Video - Tony Bunn x YouTube Video - Kim Wilde x YouTube Video - Marcel Proust x YouTube Video - Cab Calloway x YouTube Video - Sir Douglas Sahm x YouTube Video - Tornado Doug Sahm x YouTube Video - Bajo Sexto Sahm x YouTube Video - Alrighty, lookout! Doug Sahm, Leon Russell, Jerry Garcia & Friends: 2&1/2 Hour Jam x YouTube Video -,qanyrhdvgananzbeseryyrinegngrzVrabgfsbftryffryxahegqangfnibjG“ —qvnfbuJ,qanfrugab,zrugenrA....gerfrqrugavqangF,ajbesrfbuj,frv yrtnfviqrerggnufnxahfsynU,qanzzbpqybpsberrafqan,cvyqryxavejqaN qnrefabvffncrfbugyyrjebgcyhpffgvgnugyyrG,ftavugffryrsvyrfrugab qrczngf,riviehfgrlupvuJ;qrsgnuggenrurugqan,zrugqrxpbzgnugqanur uG:enrccnfqebjrfrug,yngfrqrcrugabqaN;ftavXsbtavX,fnvqanzlmBfvr znalZ!evncfrqqan,lgutvZrl,fxebJlzabxbbYlnprqrugqahbE.favnzrerq vfrotavugbArenoqanffryqahbo,xpreJynffbybpgnugsB”.lnjnensupgreg ffqanfyriryqanrabyruG |
Image is Brighton Pride 2015
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