Roger Tory Peterson was born on August 28, 1908 He was a naturalist, ornithologist, author, artist, and educator. Some consider him to be one of inspirations for the environmental movement. His Guide to the Birds, published in 1934, was the first modern field guides. It went through several editions as did many other volumes in the Peterson Field Guide series which covered an array of subjects. He developed his own identification system and was known for the quality of his illustrations and his identification of appropriate field marks.
- - - - - - - rocking robin x YouTube Video little bluebird x YouTube Video mocking bird x YouTube Video birdland x YouTube Video blackbird x YouTube Video surfin bird x YouTube Video g dead birdsong x YouTube Video white bird x YouTube Video high flying bird x YouTube Video Dodo x YouTube Video be good tanyas littlest birds x YouTube Video little jazz bird blossom darie x YouTube Video albatross x YouTube Video - - edge of 17 x YouTube Video fly like an eagle x YouTube Video 3 little birds x YouTube Video last lonely eagle x YouTube Video - -Title Image is an Ocellated Turkey, author's own, Chan Chich Belize
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