August 5 is day 217 of the Gregorian Calendar year, Boomtime, Confusion 71, 3185 YOLD (discordian), And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count
-In 1735 a person was aquitted of Seditious Libel against the Royal Governor of New York because he was telling the truth. Boy was tht ever another world. Today we pesecute such people
-In 1816, the British Admiralty decided to stick with the semaphore over the new electrical telegraph. We should not mock this, given that the first transatlantic telegraph cable only worked for a week and I'm lucky if I can get through a day without my internet provider crashing.
-Japan, copying the earlier accomplishment of the UK, adopted a postal savings system in 1874. We'll never see that here because the commercil banks own Congress
-1888 brought us Bertha Benz's historic first long distance automobile trip which doubled as the first long distance automobile trip by a woman.
-1964 brought us carrier based bombing attacks on North Vietnam in retaliation for alleged events in the gulf of Tnkin that never actually happened, stuff we made up, and the like. It seems that the shining light upon the hill is simply a targeting beacon, and nothing more.
- -Twenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift, look out kid, ...
-On this day in history:
-1735 – John Peter Zenger is acquitted of seditious libel because he told the truth 1816 – The British Admiralty rejected the electric telegraph in favor of the semaphore 1858 – The first transatlantic telegraph cable was finished, it worked for a month 1861 – The US Army abolished flogging. 1874 – Japan launched its postal savings system based on the UK's 1888 – Bertha Benz drove from Mannheim to Pforzheim and back 1906 – The King of Iran, agreed to convert the government to a constitutional monarchy. 1925 – Plaid Cymru was formed 1957 – American Bandstand had its debut 1964 – Aircraft from the USS Ticonderoga and USS Constellation bombed North Vietnam 1981 – Reagan fired striking air traffic controllers 1989 – The Sandinista National Liberation Front won the majority in Nicaragua's general election
- -Born this day in: 1850 – Guy de Maupassant, author and poet 1876 – Mary Ritter Beard, historian and activist 1940 – Rick Huxley, bass player 1942 – Joe Boyd, record producer 1948 – David Hungate, bass player
-Died this day in: 1881 – Spotted Tail, Brulé Lakota tribal chief 1955 – Carmen Miranda, singer, dancer, and actress 1959 – Edgar Guest, journalist and poet 1968 – Luther Perkins, rockabilly guitarist, the guitar behind Johnny Cash
-Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such: National Underwear Day
- -Music goes here, iirc, well,
National Underwear Day x YouTube Video - The (transatlantic) electric telegraph x YouTube Video - Ms. Benz's long distance round trip x YouTube Video - Japan's postal savings system x YouTube Video - First open bombing attacks on Vietnam x YouTube Video - Rick Huxley x YouTube Video - David Hungate x YouTube Video - Carmen Miranda x YouTube Video - Luther Perkins x YouTube Video - - -V nz crefhnqrq gung gurer vf nofbyhgryl ab yvzvg gb gur nofheqvgvrf gung pna, ol tbireazrag npgvba, pbzr gb or trarenyyl oryvrirq. Tvir zr na nqrdhngr nezl, jvgu cbjre gb cebivqr vg jvgu zber cnl naq orggre sbbq guna snyyf gb gur ybg bs gur nirentr zna, naq V jvyy haqregnxr, jvguva guvegl lrnef, gb znxr gur znwbevgl bs gur cbchyngvba oryvrir gung gjb naq gjb ner guerr, gung jngre serrmrf jura vg trgf ubg naq obvyf jura vg trgf pbyq, be nal bgure abafrafr gung zvtug frrz gb freir gur vagrerfg bs gur Fgngr. Bs pbhefr, rira jura gurfr oryvrsf unq orra trarengrq, crbcyr jbhyq abg chg gur xrggyr va gur vpr-obk jura gurl jnagrq vg gb obvy. Gung pbyq znxrf jngre obvy jbhyq or n Fhaqnl gehgu, fnperq naq zlfgvpny, gb or cebsrffrq va njrq gbarf, ohg abg gb or npgrq ba va qnvyl yvsr. Jung jbhyq unccra jbhyq or gung nal ireony qravny bs gur zlfgvp qbpgevar jbhyq or znqr vyyrtny, naq bofgvangr urergvpf jbhyq or "sebmra" ng gur fgnxr. Ab crefba jub qvq abg raguhfvnfgvpnyyl npprcg gur bssvpvny qbpgevar jbhyq or nyybjrq gb grnpu be gb unir nal cbfvgvba bs cbjre. Bayl gur irel uvturfg bssvpvnyf, va gurve phcf, jbhyq juvfcre gb rnpu bgure jung ehoovfu vg nyy vf; gura gurl jbhyq ynhtu naq qevax ntnva. Guvf vf uneqyl n pnevpngher bs jung unccraf haqre fbzr zbqrea tbireazragf. -Oregenaq Ehffryy- |
Image is 2009 Central Park Underwear Run
-It's an open thread, so do your thing
- -Cross posted from