Date Stuff: 7/10/1913 The temperature in Death Valley, California, hit 134 °F, allegdly the highest temperature ever to be recorded on Earth.This is kind of true, within "normal parameters". The temperature of mud pots, fumaroles and even lava flows have been measured, and those temperatures were higher. The Death VAlley record, however, is the highest non-tectonic, non-volanic and non-geothermal temperature evah. We can be pretty damn crtain that it will be eclipsed n the relatively near future, however, but don't watch this space for updates.
Camille Pissaro, Nikola Tesla, Marcel proust, Carl Orff, Blind Boy Fuller, David Brinkley, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Mavis Staples, Arlo Guthrie, and Imelda May were all born on 7/10.
The Emperor Hadiran died. He will be forever remembered as the stupid jackass who built a wall across the north of England, much as Trump is striving to go down in history as the stupid jackass who built a wall across the southwestern US.
The original basis for this is a couple of e-mails I received from the Pesticide Action Network, more commonly known as PAN, but located on the interwebs at . The communications in question were somewhat repetitive. The gist of them is as follows:
There was a time when the US appeared to lead the world in concern for environmental poisons and the elimination thereof. That day is long past. Instead over 25% of the agricultural pesticides used in the U.S. have already been banned elsewhere. Furthermore:
There are 72 chemicals still being used on U.S. farms that European officials have found too toxic to have on the market. Seventeen pesticides still used here have been banned in Brazil, and 11 have been banned in China.-
There is a lot more information available at the following web page: It is a short easy read, and people should take the time to read it. One thing of note is that, according to the author,
The United States utilizes voluntary, industry-initiated cancellation as the primary method of prohibiting pesticides, which differs significantly from the non-voluntary, regulator-initiated cancellations that predominate in the EU, Brazil and China.The author leaves it at that and stops short of diving into the subject of "regulatory capture". Other than mentioning it, I shall do likewise. We really should add this to the pile of stuff that we should be taking action on, because, to quote one of today's birthday celebrants:
x YouTube Video-
Image is a methyl bromide warning sign.
Its an open thread so have at it. The floor is yours .
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