The Daily Bucket is a regular feature of the Backyard Science group. It is a place to note any observations you have made of the world around you. Insects, weather, meteorites, climate, birds and/or flowers. All are worthy additions to the bucket. Please let us know what is going on around you in a comment. Include, as close as is comfortable for you, where you are located. Each note is a record that we can refer to in the future as we try to understand the patterns that are quietly unwinding around us. |
Pacifica, California
The coastal town of Pacifica, CA has declared a local emergency due to el nino driven waves damaging infrastructure. An article from SFGate is Here. It links to this report from the San Jose Mercury News. Pacifica is a coastal California town a bit south of San Francisco. Like many, it has been built dangerously close to the ocean. This story is likely to repeat, there and elsewhere in California in the coming months and years.
Storm surf has eaten away part of a sea wall that protects Beach Boulevard, which has been temporarily reinforced with boulders and such by crews using excavators. This is a time tested method that time and history tell us usually fails. The waves have also threatened the safety of blufftop homes by undermining the bluff upon which they sit. There really is no fix for this.
******* "Spotlight on Green News & Views" will be posted every Saturday at noon Pacific Time and every Wednesday at 3:30 Pacific Time on the Daily Kos front page. Be sure to recommend and comment in the diary. ******* |
What have you noted happening in your area or travels? As usual post your observations as well as their general location in the comments.
Thank you.