April 8 is the 98th day of the Gregorian Calendar year, Pungenday, Discord 25, 3185 YOLD (discordian), And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count
Twenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift, look out kid, ...
On this day in history: 1093 – The new Winchester Cathedral was dedicated. 1820 – The Venus de Milo was discovered. 1895 – In Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. the US Supreme Court declared unapportioned income tax to be unconstitutional. 1911 – Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered superconductivity. 1913 – The 17th Amendment to the US Constitution, becames law requiring direct election of US Senators. 1935 – The WPA was formed.Unbelievably, it was not "market based". 1946 – Électricité de France, was formed by the nationalisation of electricity producers, transporters and distributors. 1959 – A team led by Grace Hopper met to discuss the creation of a new programming language that would be COBOL. 1961 – An explosion sank the MV and killed 238. The British eventually blamed Russia rebels, but produced no evidence. 1970 – The Israeli air force bombeds an Egyptian primary but only killed forty-six children. 2008 – The world's first skyscraper to integrate wind turbines was completed in Bahrain.
Born this day in: 1859 – Edmund Husserl, mathematician and philosopher 1896 – Yip Harburg, lyricist 1905 – Helen Joseph, activist 1917 – Winifred Asprey, mathematician and computer scientist 1922 – Carmen McRae, singer, songwriter, pianist, and actress 1927 – Ollie Mitchell, trumpet player and bandleader 1929 – Jacques Brel, singer-songwriter and actor 1937 – Seymour Hersh, journalist and author 1941 – J. J. Jackson, singer, songwriter, and arranger 1944 – Deke Richards, songwriter and producer 1947 – Steve Howe, guitarist, songwriter, and producer 1949 – Brenda Russell, singer, songwriter, and keyboard player 1951 – Mel Schacher, bass player 1951 – Joan Sebastian, singer, songwriter, and actor 1962 – Izzy Stradlin, guitarist and songwriter 1963 – Julian Lennon, singer, songwriter, and photographer Died this day in: 1950 – Vaslav Nijinsky, dancer and choreographer 1973 – Pablo Picasso, painter and sculptor 1993 – Marian Anderson, singer 1997 – Laura Nyro, singer,songwriter, and pianist
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such: International Romani Day Hana Matsuri (Japan)
Music goes here, iirc, well,
Winchester Cathedral
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Venus de Milo
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Yip Harburg
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Carmen McRae
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Ollie Mitchell
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Jacques Brel
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J. J. Jackson
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Deke Richards
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Steve Howe
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Brenda Russell
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Mek Schacher
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Julian Lennon
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Marian Anderson
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Laura Nyro
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Image is the Flag of the Romani People
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