November 5 is the 309th day of the year It is also Prickle-Prickle, The Aftermath 17, 3184 YOLD (discordian) And by the Mayan Long Count Bank Transfer Day was a call for everybody to move their banking activities from commercial banks to credit unions by November 5, 2011. It was posted on Facebook(tm) and is allegedly still up there. It clearly did not happen, so I presume that it is still there for the purpose of exhorting folks to move their funds regardless of the lapsed due date. The Wiki says it has 54,900 likes, which means that a relatively tiny fraction of the populace has even bothered to click like, yet alone do anything about it. I don't do Facebook(tm), but I'm pretty sure that there ate cat pictures with more likes than that. All the same, it is a good idea, so go for it. Twenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift, look out kid, ... On this day in history: 1605 – Guy Fawkes was arrested, ending The Gunpowder Plot and eventually leading to Guy Fawkes Night and Guy Fawkes Day. Though originally arguably somewhat patriotic, celebrating the survival of King James I, it rapidly degenerated into an anti-Catholic hate fest. Not that I have any use for the Catholic Church, but that is all part of all of those European religious wars, and something that we should all try to leave behind. 1872 – Susan B. Anthony voted for the first time, eventually being fined $100 for her temerity. 1916 – The Everett massacre: vigilantes, hired dicks and the local cops attacked a boatload of Wobblies with gunfire, murdring many as a followup to their prior attack on striking wobblies with axe handles and such. Naturlly, they blamed the victims themselves. 1940 – FDR was elected to a third term, resulting in the passage and ratification of the 22nd Amendment, limiting Presidents to 2 terms. 1943 – The Vatican was bombed, but nobody was killed. Nobody admitted doing it either. 2007 – Google rolled out the Android operating system. Born this day in: 1701 – Pietro Longhi, a painter 1850 – Ella Wheeler Wilcox, author and poet 1855 – Eugene V. Debs, union leader and politician imprisoned for speaking his mind. 1857 – Ida Tarbell, investigative journalist, educator, and reformist 885 – Will Durant, historian and philosopher 1892 – J. B. S. Haldane, biologist and geneticist 1906 – Fred Lawrence Whipple, astronomer and inventor of the Whipple Shield to protect spacecraft 1911 – Roy Rogers, actor, singer and guitarist who named his horse "trigger" and his pistol "hoof" 1919 – Myron Floren, Lawrence Welk's accordianist 1921 – Georges Cziffra, pianist and composer 1923 – Rudolf Augstein, journalist, co-founder of Der Spiegel 1923 – 1931 – Ike Turner, singer, songwriter, guitarist and producer 1941 – Art Garfunkel, singer, songwriter, and guitarist 1946 – Gram Parsons, singer, songwriter, and guitarist 1947 – Peter Noone, singer, songwriter, and guitarist. 1948 – Peter Hammill, singer, songwriter, guitarist and producer 1949 – Jimmie Spheeris, singer and songwriter Died this day in: 1459 – John Fastolf, somewhat the prototype of Shakespeare's Falstaff 1879 – James Clerk Maxwell, physicist and mathematician 1942 – George M. Cohan, vaudvillian, singer, dncer, composer, songwriter, playwright, producer 1956 – Art Tatum, pianist and composer 1960 – Johnny Horton, singer, songwriter and guitarist 1964 – Buddy Cole, pianist and conductor 1977 – Guy Lumbago Lombardo, violinist and conductor 1980 – Louis Alter, pianist, songwriter and composer 1986 – Bobby Nunn, singer (doo wop), Robins, Coasters 1989 – Vladimir Horowitz, pianist and composser 1996 – Eddie Harris, saxophonist 2003 – Bobby Hatfield, singer and songwriter 2005 – Link Wray, singer, songwriter and guitarist 2015 – George Barris, engineer and car designer; engineer? who knew?
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such: Bank Transfer Day Guy Fawkes Day/Night All Jesuit Saints and Blesseds (Seriously?)
Music goes here, iirc
Bank Transfer Day
x YouTube VideoEverett Massacre
x YouTube VideoIke Turner
x YouTube VideoArt Garfunkel
x YouTube VideoGram Parsons
x YouTube VideoPeter Noone
x YouTube VideoJames Clerk Maxwell
x YouTube VideoArt Tatum
x YouTube VideoBuddy Cole
x YouTube VideoBobby Nunn
x YouTube VideoEddie Harris
x YouTube VideoLink Wray
x YouTube Video
picture: "Wanted Poster at Holburn Station (London, UK)" (public domain) It's an open thread, so do your thing Crossposted from