September 3 is the 246th day of the year; as well as Sweetmorn, Bureaucracy 27, 3184 YOLD to discordians.
It is 9/3, make of that what you will ...
“Rarebit, n. A Welsh rabbit, in the speech of the humourless, who point out that it is not a rabbit. To whom it may be solemnly explained that the comestible known as toad-in-the-hole is really not a toad, and that 'riz-de-veau a la financiere' is not the smile of a calf prepared after the recipe of a she banker.” -- Ambrose BierceTwenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift, look out kid, …
On this day in:
301 – San Marino, one of the smallest nations in the world and the world's oldest republic still in existence, was founded. All 24 square miles of it is completely surrounded by Italy, near Italy's east coast and roughly on the same latitude as Florence which is more than half again as large and has vastly greater population.
1783 – The American Revolutionary War formally ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris by the United States and the Kingdom of Great Britain. This widely known fact is, of course, crap, since government of the US pursuant to the Constitution of the US didn't start until
1789, some 6 years later. Nonetheless. the war was ended by said treaty, signed on said date and ratified in 1784 by the Congress of the Confederation, sitting pursuant to the then recently enacted Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union.
1802 – William Wordsworth composed, on this date, surprisingly enough, the sonnet Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802.
1838 – Future abolitionist Frederick Douglass escaped from slavery.
1855 – 700 US soldiers under General William S. Harney avenged the "Grattan massacre" by attacking a Sioux village and killing 100 men, women and children. The so called "Grattan massacre" occurred when US soldiers who treacherously attacked a Lakota encampment and murdered the Lakota chief at the conclusion of what was supposed to be a peaceful parlay were killed during the Lakota counter attack.
1879 – British envoy Sir Louis Cavagnari and 72 men of the Guides were killed by Afghan troops while defending the British Residency in Kabul. That's Kabul, Afghanistan folks. I wonder if anybody at the DoD is aware of this event?
When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains, And the women come out to cut up what remains, Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains ... - Rudyard Kipling -1935 – Sir Malcolm Campbell drove the Bluebird to a speed of 304.331 miles per hour on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, becoming the first person to drive an automobile over 300 mph. He set a new land speed record of 301.337 mph, the average for his two way run, despite getting a flat near the end of his first run. This is an excuse for me to play little bluebird, delow.;-)
1943 – The Allied invasion of Italy began.
2016 – The U.S. and China, who are together responsible for 40% of the world's carbon emissions, joined the Paris global climate agreement. Of course, nobody really believed that the US would abide by it, and true to form, the US bailed on it on August 4, 2017.
Born this day in:
1596 – Nicola Amati, instrument maker
1695 – Pietro Locatelli, composer and viola player
1710 – Abraham Trembley, biologist and zoologist who engaged in experimental science
1803 – Prudence Crandall, educator and activist
1811 – John Humphrey Noyes, preacher and activist, founder Oneida community
1814 – James Joseph Sylvester, mathematician
1849 – Sarah Orne Jewett, author
1875 – Ferdinand Porsche, engineer
1887 – Frank Christian, trumpet player
1907 – Loren Eiseley, anthropologist and philosopher
1914 – Dixy Lee Ray, biologist and politician
1915 – Memphis Slim, singer, songwriter and pianisst
1925 – Hank Thompson, country singer, songwriter and guitarist
1929 – Whitey Bulger, businessman
1933 – Tompall Glaser, "outlaw" country singer and songwriter
1934 – Freddie King, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1942 – Al Jardine, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1945 – George Biondo, songwriter and bass player
1948 – Don Brewer, drummer, singer, and songwriter
Died this day in:
1658 – Oliver Cromwell, genocidal religio-fascist dictator
1883 – Ivan Turgenev, author and playwright
1942 – Séraphine Louis, painter
1962 – E. E. Cummings, poet
1970 – Alan Wilson, composer, singer, songwriter, guitarist and harmonica player
1980 – Duncan Renaldo, Cisco
2017 – Walter Becker, musician, songwriter and producer.
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such: National Welsh Rarebit Day (United States)
Sir Malcolm Campbell
x YouTube VideoPietro Locatello
x YouTube VideoMemphis Slim
x YouTube VideoFreddie King
x YouTube VideoAl Jardine
x YouTube VideoGeorge Biondo
x YouTube VideoDon Brewer
x YouTube VideoAlan Wilson
x YouTube VideoDuncan Rinaldo
x YouTube VideoWalter Becker
x YouTube Video-
picture: Bluebird
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Note to self, not one cr, nor 3, but 2