July 23 is the 204th day of the year, there are 161 days left
Tis Prickle-Prickle, Confusion 58, 3184 YOLD
Today's number is 23 -
23 is The 9th prime and the sum of 3 consecutive primes; 5, 7 and 11
The atomic number of Vanadium
The number of chromosomes in a human sperm or ova (haploid)
The number of times that Julius Caesar was stabbed.
The 23 enigma is the belief that most incidents and accidents, events and happenstances, and stuff, are somehow directly connected to the number 23. Robert Anton Wilson, William S. Burroughs, The Illuminatus! Trilogy (fnord), Principia discordia, etc. Like this open thread, for example.
The exponent in 6.02 x 1023
Title 23 of the US Code is Highways Coincidence? You decide.
23 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Augustus and Varro Herod the Great allegedly built a palace in Jerusalem. -
23 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Pollio and Vetus The Greek geographer Strabo finally published his "Geography", a work describing the world known to the Romans and Greeks in Emperor Augustus' day. No similar works of similar antiquity exist. Pliny the Elder, a Roman scientist and writer, was born. Liu Xuan, a descendant of the Han Dynasty overthrew Wang Mang and ended the Xin Dynasty. Restored the Han Dynasty, he did.
On this day in:
1829 - William Austin Burt patented the typographer, an ancestor of the typewriter
1840 - The Province of Canada was created *
1881 - The Boundary Treaty of
1881 between Chile and Argentina was signed
1885 - Ulysses S. Grant died
1914 - Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia about the assassination of Franz Ferdinand
1929 - The Italiant government banned the use of foreign words
1936 - The Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia was founded
1942 - The Treblinka extermination camp opened.
1952 - The Free Officers Movement overthrew King Farouk
1961 - The Sandinista National Liberation Front was founded
1962 - Telstar relayed the first publicly transmitted live trans-Atlantic TV show
1962 - The International Agreement on the Neutrality of Laos was signed. **
1967 - The Detroit Riots started.
1968 - Glenville shootout and subsequent Glenview riots went down.
1992 - The Vatican pronounced that limiting the rights of homosexuals wasn't discrimination based on gender
1992 - Abkhazia declared independence from Georgia.
1995 - Comet Hale-Bopp was discovered
* This entitled Canadians to claim and use the honorific "provincials"
** It was almost immediately broken by the US, which never intended to respect it.
Born this day in:
1886 - Walter H. Schottky, physicist
1888 - Raymond Chandler, author
1892 - Haile Selassie, Ethiopian emperor, Lion of Judah
1914 - Virgil Finlay, illustrator
1923 - Amalia Mendoza, singer and actress
1928 - Vera Rubin, astronomer, discovered the galaxy rotation problem
1929 - Danny Barcelona, drummer, aka "The Little Filipino Boy"
1931 - Te Atairangikaahu, Maori queen
1942 - Madeline Bell, singer and songwriter
1943 - Tony Joe White, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1944 - Dino Danelli, drummer
1946 - Andy Mackay, oboe player and composer
1948 - John Hall, politician, musician and songwriter (Orleans)
1950 - Blair Thornton, guitarist and songwriter
1952 - John Rutsey, drummer, replaced by Neil Peart
1952 - Janis Siegel, singer (The Manhattan Transfer)
1961 - Martin Gore, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1965 - Slash, guitarist and songwriter
1971 - Alison Krauss, fiddler, singer and songwriter
1980 - Michelle Williams, singer, songwriter, producer, and actress
Died this day in:
1403 - Thomas Percy, 1st Earl of Worcester, rebel leader, twice, Hotspur's bro
1584 - John Day, printer
1757 - Domenico Scarlatti, composer and harpsichord player
1875 - Isaac Singer, inventor and businessman, improved the sewing maching
1885 - Ulysses S. Grant, occupant of Grant's tomb
1955 - Cordell Hull, father of the UN
1972 - Esther Applin, geologist and paleontologist
1980 - Keith Godchaux, keyboard player and songwriter
1980 - Mollie Steimer, activist *
1983 - Georges Auric, composer
2001 - Eudora Welty, author
2002 - Chaim Potok, author
2005 - Ted Greene, journalist and jazz guitarist
2007 - Ron Miller, songwriter (for once in my life, etc.)
2010 - Daniel Schorr, journallist
2011 - Amy Winehouse, singer & songwriter
2012 - Sally Ride, physicist and astronaut
* Convicted of Sedition for producing leaflets denouncing the U.S. military action in Russia opposing the Bolshevik revolution
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such:
National Vanilla Ice Cream Day
International Yada, Yada, Yada Day
Hailie Selassie's Birthday (Rastafarians)
x YouTube VideoHaile Selassie
x YouTube VideoDanny Barcelona
x YouTube VideoMadeline Bell
x YouTube VideoTony Joe White
x YouTube VideoDino Danelli
x YouTube VideoJohn Hall
x YouTube VideoBlair Thornton
x YouTube VideoJanis Siegel
x YouTube VideoAlison Krauss
x YouTube VideoDomenico Scarlatti
x YouTube VideoKeith Godchaux
x YouTube VideoTed Greene
x YouTube VideoRon Miller
x YouTube Video-
picture: The Lion of Judah
It's an open thread, so do your
thing Crossposted from http://caucus99percent.com
EDIT — inserted a large number of double carriage return + line feed pairs and burned offerings to the god of bizarre proprietary not-text-editors in the hopes of deconcatenating the final product once I hit “publish changes”