July 2 is the 183rd day of the year, there are 182 days left
Tis Pungenday, Confusion 37, 3184 YOLD It is the middle of the year, with 182 days preceding it and 182 days succeeding it.
Today's number is 2
2 is the smallest even integer, and defines the even integers (they are those divisible by 2) Finite multiples of 2 must end in 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0 If the last digit of a whole number is evenly divisible by 2, then the entire number is 2 is the first and smallest prime number 2 is the only even prime number 2 is the third Fibonacci number (1, 1, 2) Ordinary fractions with 2 for a denominator will not result in an infinite decimal expansion 2 is the base of the binary number system One can readily count to 1023 in binary in one pass on one's fingers & thumbs 2 is unique in that 2+2 = 2x2 = 2 squared Powers of two play a significant role in computer programming and computer science 2 is central to the definition of Mersenne Primes (primes that are one less than a power of two) The square root of 2 is the length of the diagonal of a unit square
2 is Helium 2 is the atomic mass of deuterium Group 2 of the periodic table is the alkaline earths; its elements usually have a valence of 2 -
2 appears twice in R2D2. -
It takes 2 to Tango
x YouTube VideoTitle 225 of the US Code is The Congress
2 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Augustus and Silvanus. Emperor Augustus was proclaimed Pater Patriae The Aqua Alsietina Roman aqueduct was constructed.
2 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Vinicius and Varus (Publius Alfenus Varus, whoever that may have been, was the consul above, not Varus the Butcher.) Tiberius was allowed to return to Rome Gaius Caesar signed a treaty with the Parthians who agreed to recognize Roman Claims to Armenia. In China, Wang Mang, known for having but one wife, Lady Wang, embarked on a course of further personal aggrandisement. The first Chinese census was completed, showing almost 60 million Chinese
On this day in:
1494 – Spain ratified the Treaty of Tordesillas. 1644 – The Battle of Marston Moor. 1776 – The Continental Congress resolved to sever ties with England 1822 – South Carolina hanged thirty-five slaves accused of planning a rebellion 1839 – Joseph Cinque and 52 other rebelling took over the slave ship Amistad. 1853 – Russian forces crossed the Pruth river, starting the Crimean War 1871 – Victor Emmanuel II of Italy entered freshly conquered Rome 1881 – Charles Guiteau fatally wounded President Garfield 1890 – Congress passed the no longer enforced Sherman Antitrust Act. 1897 – Marconi got a patent for radio 1900 – The first Zeppelin flight 1900 – Sibelius' Finlandia premiered 1921 – President Harding signed the Knox–Porter Resolution ending the US war with Germany 1937 – Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan were last heard from 1964 – LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 1997 – Thailand floated the baht, starting the Asian financial crisis
Born this day in:
1862 – William Henry Bragg, physicist, chemist, and mathematician, 1876 – Harriet Brooks, physicist 1877 – Hermann Hesse, poet, novelist, and painter 1908 – Thurgood Marshall, lawyer and jurist 1925 – Medgar Evers, civil rights activist 1925 – Marvin Rainwater, singer and songwriter 1927 – Lee Allen, axophone player 1934 – Tom Springfield, singer and songwriter and producer 1939 – Paul Williams, singer and choreographer 1941 – William Guest, singer and songwriter and producer 1943 – Larry Lake, trumpet player and composer 1948 – Gene McFadden, American singer, songwriter, and producer 1952 – Johnny Colla, guitarist, saxophonist, and songwriter 1952 – Sylvia Rivera, transgender rights activis 1983 – Michelle Branch, singer, songwriter and guitarist
Died this day in:
1778 – Jean-Jacques Rousseau, philosopher and composer 1999 – Mario Puzo, author and screenwriter 2002 – Ray Brown, bassist and composer 2007 – Beverly Sills, opera singer
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such: World UFO Day
A Little Tea for Two
x YouTube VideoUFO Day
x YouTube VideoFinlandia
x YouTube VideoMedgar Evers
x YouTube VideoLee Allen
x YouTube VideoTom Springfield
x YouTube VideoPaul Williams
x YouTube VideoWilliam Guest
x YouTube VideoGene McFadden
x YouTube VideoRay Brown
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picture: public domain
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Crossposted from http://caucus99percent.com