April 30 is the 120th day of the year, there are 245 days left
Setting Orange, Discord 47, 3184 YOLD (for the discordians amongst us)
Today's number is 30
30 is -
30 is the sum of the first four square numbers: 1+4+9+16 30 = 5 x 6; half of the base for the decimal system x half of the base for the duodecimal system = half of the base for the Sexagesimal system (Sumeria, Babylonia). Distributive law at work. There is a lot here but I won't get into it. 30 is zinc 30 is reporter and editor code for end of story 30 is the minimum age to be a US Sentor
30 seconds over Tokyo was a book about the World War II "Doolittle Raid" written by Major Ted William Lawson which was also made into a movie
M30 is a globular cluster in the constellation Capricorn
There were 30 uprights in Stonhenge's Sarsen Circle
There are 30 variations in Bach's Goldgerg Variations
.30 caliber was both a machine gun and a carabine used by the US military
.30-30 and .30-06 were historically significant weapons (a carabine & a rifle)
Title 30 of the US Code isMINERAL LANDS AND MINING
30 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Octavian and Crassus Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian, aka Augustus, became Roman Consul for the fourth time, captured Alexandria and annexed Ancient Egypt to the Roman Republic. Cleopatra comitted suicide and Ptolemy XV Caesarion was executed, which ended the Ptolemaic dynasty, the last dynasty of Ancient Egypt. Mark Antony, Cleopatra VII, Ptolemy Caesar, Marcus Antonius Antyllus, and Hyrcanus II, king of Judea all died. Eventual king of the Marcomanni, Maroboduus, was born.
30 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Vinicius and Longinus Phaedrus translated Aesop's fables Nerva, an eventual Roman Emperor, and Poppaea Sabina were born
On this day in:
1492 -- Spain gave Columbus a commission of exploration. 1598 -- Juan de Onate made a formal declaration of his Conquest of New Mexico. 1598 -- Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes 1789 -- Washington took the oath of office as President of the US 1838 -- Nicaragua bailed on the Central American Federation. 1871 -- The Camp Grant massacre went down 1897 -- J. J. Thomson announced his discovery of the electron 1900 -- Hawaii was made a US territory ruled by Sanford B. Dole 1904 -- The Saint Louis World's Fair opened, Louis 1905 -- Albert Einstein wrote his thesis - "A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions". 1927 -- The first federal prison for women opened, in W. WA. 1939 -- The 1939-40 New York World's Fair opened 1945 -- Hitler committed suicide 1945 -- Soviet troops liberated Stalag Luft I releasing roughly 9000 US and British airmen. 1948 -- The OAS was formed 1963 -- The Bristol Bus Boycott took place 1966 -- The Church of Satan was formed 1975 -- Saigon fell and Duong Van Minh officially surrendered 1993 -- CERN announced that Web protocols would be free 2004 -- U.S. media released photos US troops abusing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib, military and government officials feigned shock and surprise
Born this day in:
1777 -- Carl Friedrich Gauss, mathematician and physicist 1866 -- Mary Haviland Stilwell Kuesel, dentist 1877 -- Alice B. Toklas, memoir writer, cookbook author 1896 -- Reverend Gary Davis, singer and guitarist 1910 -- Levi Celerio, pianist, violinist, and composer 1916 -- Robert Shaw, conductor 1917 -- Bea Wain, singer 1921 -- Roger L. Easton, co-inventor of the GPS 1923 -- Percy Heath, bassist 1925 -- Johnny Horton, singer, songwriter, and guitarist 1934 -- Jerry Lordan, singer and songwriter 1938 -- Larry Niven, author and screenwriter 1943 -- Bobby Vee, pop singer and songwriter 1945 -- Mimi Farin±a, singer, songwriter, guitarist, and activist 1947 -- Finn Kalvik, guitarist, singer, and songwriter 1948 -- Wayne Kramer, singer, guitarist and songwriter 1953 -- Merrill Osmond, singer, bassist and Osmond 1969 -- Paulo Jr., bass player 1976 -- Amanda Palmer, singer, songwriter, and pianist 1981 -- Justin Vernon, multi-instrumentalist, singer and songwriter 1982 -- Drew Seeley, singer, songwriter and dancer
Died this day in:
0065 -- Lucan, poet 1883 -- Edouard Manet, painter 1900 -- Casey Jones, engineer 1936 -- A. E. Housman, poet 1945 -- Adolf Hitler, nazi 1983 -- Muddy Waters, singer, songwriter, guitarist, bandleader, seminal chicago bluesman 1989 -- Sergio Leone, director, producer, and screenwriter 2016 -- Daniel Berrigan, peacenik, activist and priest
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such: International Jazz Day Global Day of Prayer (Western Christianity, US Congress) Beltane (North) Samhain (South) Walpurgis Night
Reverend Gary Davis
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Percy Heath
x YouTube VideoJohnny Horton
x YouTube VideoBobby Vee
x YouTube VideoMimi Farina
x YouTube VideoAmanda Palmer
x YouTube VideoCasey Jones
x YouTube VideoUncle Muddy
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picture Portrait of Billie Holiday and Mister, Downbeat, New York, N.Y., ca. Feb. 1947] (LOC); Gottlieb, William P., 1917-, photographer.; Library of Congress
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