February 19 is the 50th day of the year, there are 315 days left
Today's number is 19
19 is a prime number (the eighth prime) The only magic hexagon with more than 1 cell has 19 cells 19 is potassium The metonic cycle is roughly 19 years and pops up in calendars throughout history; 19 years = 235 lunar months A zero point hand in cribbage is called "nineteen" because no cribbage hand can have a 19 point score The 19th hole on a golf course is the bar A go board is a 19 x 19 grid
Title 19 of the US Code is CUSTOMS DUTIES
19 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Saturninus and Vespillo The Aqua Virgo was completed The poet Virgil died
19 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Silanus and Balbus Germanicus Julius Caesar died
On this day in:
0356 -- Emperor Constantius II decreed the closing of all pagan temples in the Empire. * 1674 -- The Treaty of Westminster, ended the Third Anglo-Dutch War. ** 1878 -- Thomas Edison patented the phonograph. 1942 -- FDR signed executive order 9066, allowing the forced internment of Japanese Americans 1943 -- The Battle of Kasserine Pass began 1945 -- The US Marines landed on Iwo Jima. 1949 -- Ezra Pound was awarded the first Bollingen Prize in poetry 1953 -- Georgia approved the US' first literature censorship board 1954 -- The Soviet Politburo transferred the Crimean Oblast from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR. 1963 -- Betty Friedan's "The Feminine Mystique" was published 1976 -- Gerald Ford rescinded FDR's Executive Order 9066 ***
* Leading to centuries of intellectual, behavioral, and occupational tyranny, the shadow and stink of which still permeates our lives
** It also transferred the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam (to be renamed New York) to England.
*** Truman, Ike, JFK, LBJ, and Nixon couldn't be bothered.
Born this day in:
1473 -- Nicolaus Copernicus, heretical mathematician and astronomer 1743 -- Luigi Boccherini, Italian cellist and composer 1904 -- Elisabeth Welch, singer and actress 1936 -- Sam Myers, singer and songwrite 1940 -- Smokey Robinson, singer, songwriter, and producer 1940 -- Bobby Rogers, singer, songwriter, and miracle 1946 -- Karen Silkwood, technician and activist 1948 -- Mark Andes, singer, songwriter, and bassist 1949 -- Eddie Hardin, singer, songwriter, and pianist 1952 -- Amy Tan, author
Died this day in:
1916 -- Ernst Mach, physicist and philosopher 1972 -- Lee Morgan, trumpet player and composer 2003 -- Johnny Paycheck, singer, songwriter and guitarist 2016 -- Harper Lee, author 2017 -- Larry Coryell, jazz guitarist
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such: Roll your own
So, for music,
Nicolaus Copernicus
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Luigi Boccherini
x YouTube VideoElisabeth Welch
x YouTube VideoSam Meyers
x YouTube VideoSmokey Robinson & Bobby Rogers
x YouTube VideoLee Morgan
x YouTube VideoJohnny Paycheck
x YouTube VideoLarry Coryell
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picture is "Image from page 135 of "Science and literature in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance" (1878)"
It's an open thread, so do your thing
Crossposted from http://caucus99percent.com