Yes folks, if you hadn't noticed, elements of the foreign press continue to report on US affairs, the US economy, foreign policy, wars, civil rights issues ,and politics; and not always favorably. Forget RT and Facebook, what about The Guardian, The BBC, AFP, Asia Times, Die Zeit, Le Figaro, el Mundo, Their numbers are legion. We are under attack! Circle the wagons!
However, kindly remember that the longest running war in the world, and the US is the class war. It is not noticeably geographical. All of the sturm und drang is between and among the exploiter class, the oligarchs and elites, the captains of industry, and their politician lackeys over who gets to direct the spoils and run the show. You, I, we, us, them nasty furriners and sneaky coastal subversives are, in the end, all the victims or intended victims. The fact that foreign and domestic information sources deviate from the FBI, GOP, Dem, NSA, CIA, WaPo, WSJ, NYT official approved narrative is good, for they are trying to awake the sleeping dragon that is we the hoi polloi. Black Lives Matter is not the problem, and less so is the fact that they have been given support and had attention directed to them by unapproved media sources. Arise, Huelga even, avanti o popolo, organize and resist or be eaten and enslaved.
That is all. Your favorite sit-coms will return in a few minutes. Thank you for your moment of attention.
Oh yes, caution, there may be snarks in these waters crossposted from a comment at caucus99percent edited to remove an artifact and complete a sentence