January 15 is the 15th day of the year, there are 350 days left **
Today's number is 15
15 is the product of 2 primes, 3 and 5 15 is the magic number for a 3 by 3 magic square 15 is phosphorus 15 balls are used in eight ball and rotation pocket billiards There are 15 tokens on each side at the start of backgammon 15 is the age when a hispanic girl has a quinceanera A 15 puzzle has 15 blocks numbered 1 through 15 in a 4 by 4 box 15 is a repeating digit, or repdigit, in binary; 1111
15 is Bumfit
x YouTube VideoAnd, of course, 15 is f
x YouTube VideoTitle 15 of the US Code is COMMERCE AND TRADE
15 BCE was the Year of the consulship of Drusus and Piso Drusus built the via Claudia Augustus through Italy Vienna became a Roman frontier city Future Roman general Germanicus was born Future Roman poet Phaedrus was born
15 CE was the Year of the consulship of Caesar and Flaccus Germanicus launched a two-pronged attack from Vetera and Moguntiacum. On his return journey, he recaptured the Eagle of Legion XIX, visited the battlefield of the Teutoburg Wald, and then arranged for the burial of the remains of Varus' army. (Yes, that damn Varus!) Nicolaus of Damascus wrote a biography of the Emperor Augustus The Greek philosopher Apollonius of Tyana was born
On this day in:
1559 – The coronation of Elizabeth I of England went down 1759 – The British Museum opened 1818 – David Brewster's paper on doubly refracting crystals was read to the Royal Society 1908 – The first Greek-letter sorority for African American college women was founded (Alpha Kappa Alpha) 1919 – Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were murdered by the Freikorps 1919 – Great Molasses Flood: A flood wave of molasses raged through Boston 1943 – The Pentagon was dedicated creating a vast, permanent hole in the US budget 1966 – The First Nigerian Republic was overthrown by a coup 1969 – The USSR launched Soyuz 5 2001 – Wikipedia went online
Born this day in:
1623 – Algernon Sidney, philosopher 1908 – Edward Teller, physicist, fanatical H-bomb proponent 1909 – Gene Krupa, drummer 1929 – Earl Hooker, guitarist 1929 – Martin Luther King, Jr., minister and activist 1941 – Captain Beefheart, singer, songwriter and musician 1948 – Ronnie Van Zant, singer and songwriter
Died this day in:
1964 – Jack Teagarden, singer, songwriter and trombonist 1994 – Harry Nilsson, singer and songwriter 1996 – Les Baxter, pianist and composer 1998 – Junior Wells, harmonica player, singer and songwriter 2003 – Doris Fisher, singer and songwriter
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
So, for music,
Gene Krupa
x YouTube Video
Earl Hooker
x YouTube VideoCaptain Beefheart
x YouTube VideoRonnie Van Zandt
x YouTube VideoJack Teagarden
x YouTube VideoHarry Nilsson
x YouTube VideoLes Baxter
x YouTube VideoJunior Wells
x YouTube Video x YouTube VideoDoris Fisher
x YouTube Video-
Bonus Earl Hooker & Junior Wells:
x YouTube Video-
picture is By Dick DeMarsico, World Telegram staff photographer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
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Crossposted from http://caucus99percent.com