Woo Hoo, 11/16 aka B/10 in Hex. Let's look at that 16.
First, however, being here on a Monday the 16th always means you survived a Friday the 13th, so congrats on that.
16 = 4 squared and 2 to the fourth or 4**2 and 2**4. Coincidence? I don't think so. 16 is the base for the Hexadecimal numeral system, aka Hex Counting in Hex runs from 0 to 9 then A,B,C,D,E, and F for 10 through 15 Hex is used a ton in computer science, computers and computing 16 is sulfur There are 16 ounces in a pound
There are 45 days left in the year. Ain't that the shits?
If you were born on 11/16, you are a scorpio and are ruled by Pluto. Pluto is currently in the house of Disney, in Anaheim, CA. Your element is water, you poor thing. You know what WC Fields said about water ...
This is the Estonian Day of Declaration of Sovereignty.
In the year 16 BCE It was referred to as the Year of the Consulship of Ahenobarbus and Scipio (Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus and Publius Cornelius Scipio (Scipio, kids, not Scorpio) Caesar Augustus reorganized the German provinces and made Trier their capital. Trier is way cool. It has a ton of Roman ruins and Marx spent a chunk of his childhood there, in the Salmonish second story dwelling in the center of this picture:
This is, of course, commercially exploited, from fashion
to transport
Roman legate Marcus Lollius was defeated by a Germanic horde. This was/is called "The Lollian Disaster" because the German raiders bagged the legionary standard (the Eagle).
There were a plethora of gods and goddesses running around and mucking about, doing good and causing trouble, with the concomitant prophecies, miracles & magic galore. Augury ran rampant, also sacrifices.
In the year 16 CE You called it the Year of the Consulship of Taurus and Libo (sounds like bull to me) A Roman army of 50,000 men commanded by Germanicus won a victory at Idistaviso, defeating the German war chief Arminius and recovering the lost eagles of Varus' legions. (Those were the 3 eagles Varus lost in 9 BCE, not the paltry lone eagle Lollius lost in 16 BCE.)
Noricans having joined with the Pannonians in invading Histria, are defeated by Publius Silius, proconsul of Illyricum.(Betcha didn't know that, didja? I sure didn't.)
Other history
1491 - An auto-da-fé, held in the Brasero de la Dehesa outside of Ávila, concludes the case of the Holy Child of La Guardia with the public execution of several Jewish and converso suspects.The non-existent kid was almost immediately sanctified though the church did, eventually, de-sanctify him, or so I've read, but I have no idea when.
1532 - Francisco Pizarro and his men capture Inca Emperor Atahualpa at the Battle of Cajamarca. ... 1632 - Thirty Years' War: Battle of Lützen is fought, the Swedes are victorious but King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden dies in the battle. ... 1849 - A Russian court sentences writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky to death for anti-government activities linked to a radical intellectual group; his sentence is later commuted to hard labor. ... 1885 - Canadian rebel leader of the Métis and "Father of Manitoba" Louis Riel is executed for treason. ... 1904 - English engineer John Ambrose Fleming receives a patent for the thermionic valve (vacuum tube). ... 1940 - Holocaust: In occupied Poland, the Nazis close off the Warsaw Ghetto from the outside world. ... 1945 - UNESCO is founded. ... 1988 - The Supreme Soviet of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic declares that Estonia is "sovereign" but stops short of declaring independence. ... 1989 - A death squad composed of El Salvadoran army troops kills six Jesuit priests and two others at Jose Simeon Canas University.The killers were trained and funded by sleazy foreign bastards the U.S. Please refer to last Monday's "Monday Open Thread" for an embedded copy of Peter, Paul and Mary performing "El Salvador" (https://youtu.be/iixXushIc00)
42 BCE - Tiberius, Roman emperor (d. 37)... 1717 - Jean le Rond d'Alembert, French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher (d. 1793) ... 1873 - W. C. Handy, American trumpet player and composer (d. 1958) ... 1895 - Paul Hindemith, German violinist, composer, and conductor (d. 1963) ... 1931 - Hubert Sumlin, American singer and guitarist (d. 2011)Some say seminal:
x YouTube VideoDeaths
1797 - Frederick William II of Prussia (b. 1744) ... 1885 - Louis Riel, Canadian politician (b. 1844) ... 1966 - Alfred Neuland, Estonian weightlifter (b. 1895) ... 1994 - Chet Powers, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (Quicksilver Messenger Service) (b. 1943) ... 2006 - Milton Friedman, American economist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1912)... Why the Nobel in econ isn't just collapsed into the Nobel in literature is beyond me.
I know I skipped Sumlin and Powers, I'll try to get there later, but, what about that 16?
Chuck Berry "Sweet Little Sixteen"
x YouTube VideoOnly Sixteen by Sam Cooke.
x YouTube VideoHeh
x YouTube VideoDa Kine Doo Wop? 16 Candles by the Crests.
x YouTube VideoAnother twofer??
You're 16, You're Beautiful and You're Mine, by Johnny Burnette.
x YouTube VideoHeh
x YouTube VideoThere's no reason they have to be age related
x YouTube VideoThey could maybe even be job related
x YouTube VideoHeavier yet (Tal Wilkenfeld and assorted friends)
x YouTube VideoBut the 16th century? like maybe in 1532 when Francisco Pizarro and his men capture the Inca Emperor Atahualpa at the Battle of Cajamarca. ...
x YouTube VideoOk, enough of that. How 'bout sumpin by Sumlin?
x YouTube VideoAnd a little Bo Diddley cover by Quicksilver Messenger Service -
x YouTube VideoOr, more of a QMS classic:
x YouTube Videoand, why not some gratuitous Tal Wilkenfeld
x YouTube Video(Blockquotes are from en.wikipedia.org/..., as is a lot of the 11/16 related data.)
(Crossposted from www.caucus99percent.com )