Hey, it's songday. I pick a song that I believe warrants it and publish an assortment of the covers of that song by various persons and or groups. Pick a few that are new to you and have a listen. It is also, of course, an open thread to talk about anything you feel like.
Today's song is: King Bee
-Slim Harpo
x YouTube VideoRolling Stones
x YouTube VideoSiegel-Schwall Band
x YouTube VideoLou Rawls
x YouTube VideoKoko Taylor (Queen Bee)
x YouTube VideoGary Farr
x YouTube VideoThe Doors
x YouTube VideoMarley's Ghost
x YouTube VideoSue Foley (queen bee)
x YouTube VideoGrateful Dead
x YouTube VideoThee Headcoats Sect
x YouTube VideoKenny Wayne Shepherd
x YouTube VideoMuddy Waters
x YouTube VideoRod Stewart
x YouTube VideoCaptain Beefheart
x YouTube VideoBad Seeds
x YouTube VideoBessie's Blues - I'm Your Queen Bee - On The Blues Show
x YouTube VideoSo, the thread is open, the floor is yours'.
Crossposted from caucus99percent.com