January 30 is the 30th day of the year. There are 335 days left.
-Today's number is 30
-30 is 30 is the sum of the first four square numbers: 1+4+9+16 30 = 5 x 6; half of the base for the decimal system x half of the base for the duodecimal system = half of the base for the Sexagesimal system (Sumeria, Babylonia). Distributive law at work. There is a lot here but I won't get into it. 30 is zinc 30 is reporter and editor code for end of story 30 is the minimum age to be a US Sentor
30 seconds over Tokyo was a book about the World War II "Doolittle Raid" written by Major Ted William Lawson which was also made into a movie
M30 is a globular cluster in the constellation Capricorn
There were 30 uprights in Stonhenge's Sarsen Circle
There are 30 variations in Bach's Goldgerg Variations
.30 caliber was both a machine gun and a carabine used by the US military
.30-30 and .30-06 were historically significant weapons (a carabine & a rifle)
x YouTube Video -Title 30 of the US Code is MINERAL LANDS AND MINING
-30 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Octavian and Crassus Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian, aka Augustus, became Roman Consul for the fourth time, captured Alexandria and annexed Ancient Egypt to the Roman Republic. Cleopatra comitted suicide and Ptolemy XV Caesarion was executed, which ended the Ptolemaic dynasty, the last dynasty of Ancient Egypt.
Mark Antony, Cleopatra VII, Ptolemy Caesar, Marcus Antonius Antyllus, and Hyrcanus II, king of Judea all died. Eventual king of the Marcomanni, Maroboduus, was born.
-30 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Vinicius and Longinus Phaedrus translated Aesop's fables Nerva, an eventual Roman Emperor, and Poppaea Sabina were born
-On this day in:
1648 -- The Treaty of Munster and Osnabruck between Spain & the Netherlands 1703 -- The Forty-seven Ronin, commanded by Oishi Kuranosuke, avenged the death of their lord. 1790 -- The first specialized lifeboat was tested 1820 -- Edward Bransfield sighted & claimed the discovery of Antarctica. 1847 -- Yerba Buena, California iwa renamed San Francisco, California (shoulda stuck with Yerba Buena) 1908 -- Mahatma Gandhi was released from prison by Jan C. Smuts 1930 -- The Politburo of the Soviet Union ordered the extermination of the Kulaks. 1933 -- Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. 1948 -- Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated. 1956 -- Martin Luther King, Jr.'s home was bombed as payback for the Montgomery Bus Boycott. 1960 -- The African National Party was founded in Chad 1968 -- The Tet Offensive was launched 1969 -- The Beatles' last public performance 1972 -- The Bloody Sunday Massacre of marchers by British Paratroopers in Northern Ireland 1982 -- The first computer virus code was written 2003 -- The Kingdom of Belgium officially recognized same-sex marriages
-Born this day in:
58 BC-- Livia, wife of Augustus 1697 -- Johann Joachim Quantz, flute player and composer 1882 -- Franklin D. Roosevelt, you know, the WPA guy who jailed Fred Korematsu 1912 -- Barbara W. Tuchman, historian and author 1915 -- John Profumo, see Christine Keeler 1919 -- Fred Korematsu, internee 1927 -- Ahmed Abdul-Malik, bassist and oud player 1935 -- Richard Brautigan, author, poet, and fisherman 1935 -- Tubby Hayes, saxophonist and compose 1936 -- Horst Jankowski, German pianist and composer (The Jazz Couriers) 1942 -- Marty Balin, singer, songwriter and guitarist 1944 -- Lynn Harrell, cellist and academic 1951 -- Phil Collins, singer, songwriter, producer, and actor 1956 -- Darko Rundek, singer, songwriter and actor 1959 -- Mark Eitzel, singer, songwriter and guitarist 1959 -- Jody Watley, singer, songwriter and producer
-Died this day in:
1836 -- Betsy Ross, seamstress 1838 -- Osceola, Seminole leader 1858 -- Coenraad Jacob Temminck, zoologist and ornithologist 1934 -- Frank Nelson Doubleday, founder of the Doubleday Publishing Company 1948 -- Mahatma Gandhi, lawyer, philosopher, and activist 1948 -- Orville Wright, bicycle maker, engineer, inventor, flyboy 1951 -- Ferdinand Porsche, engineer, founded Porsche, made first electric-gasoline hybrid auto 1958 -- Ernst Heinkel, engineer, founded the Heinkel Aircraft Company 1974 -- Olav Roots, pianist and composer 1980 -- Professor Longhair, singer, songwriter and pianist 1982 -- Lightnin' Hopkins, singer, songwriter and guitarist 1984 -- Luke Kelly, singer and banjo player 2006 -- Coretta Scott King, author and activist 2013 -- Patty Andrews, singer, part of a sister act 2013 -- Ann Rabson, singer, pianist, and guitarist 2014 -- The Mighty Hannibal, singer, songwriter and producer
-Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such: Fred Korematsu Day (California; first observed at UC Berkeley)
Martyrdom of Mahatma Gandhi-related observances: Martyrs' Day (India) School Day of Non-violence and Peace (Spain) Start of the Season for Nonviolence: January 30-April 4 (From the anniversary of the assassination of Mohandas Gandhi's to the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.. Particiapnts commit to living a nonviolent life.)
So, for music The Beatles Johann Joachim Quantz Ahmed Abdul-Malik Tubby Hayes Horst Jankowski Marty Balin Lynn Harrell Phil Collins Darko Rundek Mark Eitzel Jody Watley Olav Roots Professor Longhair Lightnin' Hopkins Luke Kelly Patty Andrews Ann Rabson The Mighty Hannibal - -The Beatles
- x YouTube Video -Johann Joachim Quantz
x YouTube Video -Ahmed Abdul-Malik
x YouTube Video -Tubby Hayes
x YouTube Video -Horst Jankowski
x YouTube Video -Marty Balin
x YouTube Video -Lynn Harrell
x YouTube Video -Phil Collins
x YouTube Video -Darko Rundek
x YouTube Video -Mark Eitzel
x YouTube Video -Jody Watley
x YouTube Video -Olav Roots
x YouTube Video -Professor Longhair
x YouTube Video -Lightnin' Hopkins
x YouTube Video -Luke Kelly
x YouTube Video -Patty Andrews
x YouTube Video -Ann Rabson
x YouTube Video -The Mighty Hannibal
x YouTube Video - OK, what's on your minds?Bonus:
x YouTube VideoAlmost forgot — I won’t be around when this posts.
-Crossposted from caucus99percent.com