January 16 is the 16th day of the year. There are 349 days left.
-Today's number is 16
-16 = 4 squared and 2 to the fourth or 4**2 and 2**4. Coincidence? I don't think so. (I know of no other number that is both a**b and b**a where a is unequal to b) 16 is the base for the Hexadecimal numeral system, aka Hex Counting in Hex runs from 0 to 9 then A,B,C,D,E, and F for 10 through 15 Hex is used a ton in computer science, computers and computing 16 is sulfur There are 16 ounces in a pound
-Title 16 of the US Code is CONSERVATION
-The year 16 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Ahenobarbus and Scipio Caesar Augustus reorganized the German provinces and made Trier their capital. (Trier is way cool. It has a ton of Roman ruins and Marx spent a chunk of his childhood there, in the Salmonish second story dwelling in the center of this picture:
- -This is, of course, commercially exploited, from fashion
- -to transport
- -Elsewhere in 16 BCE,
Roman legate Marcus Lollius was defeated by a Germanic horde. This was/is called "The Lollian Disaster" because the German raiders bagged the legionary standard (the Eagle).
The year 16 CE was The Year of the Consulship of Taurus and Libo (sounds like bull to me) You called it A Roman army of 50,000 men commanded by Germanicus won a victory at Idistaviso, defeating the German war chief Arminius and recovering the lost eagles of Varus' legions. (Those were the 3 eagles Varus lost in 9 BCE, not the paltry lone eagle Lollius lost in 16 BCE.)
-On this day in:
0027 BC -- Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus became "Augustus" which started the Roman Empire. 0378 -- General Siyaj K'ak' conquered Tikal 0550 -- The Ostrogoths conquered Rome 1605 -- The first edition of El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha was published 1786 -- Virginia enacted Jefferson's Statute for Religious Freedom 1909 -- Ernest Shackleton's expedition found the magnetic South Pole. 1919 -- Misguided zealots in the US ratified the Eighteenth Amendment 1920 -- The League of Nations held its first council meeting 1938 -- Benny Goodman and his band performed in concert at Carnegie Hall 1945 -- Hitler went into his underground bunker 1969 -- Soyuz 4 & Soyuz 5 did the first docking of manned spacecraft & first crew transfer 1979 -- Shah Reza Pahlavi fled Iran 1991 -- The start of the Gulf War 2003 -- The Space Shuttle Columbia launched on its final mission. 2006 -- Ellen Johnson Sirleaf became President of Liberia * Africa's first elected female ruler
-Born this day in:
1836 -- Francis II of the Two Sicilies, last King of the Two Sicilies 1838 -- Franz Brentano, philosopher and psychologist 1855 -- Eleanor Marx, socialistleader, activist and author 1874 -- Robert W. Service, poet and autho 1901 -- Fulgencio Batista, fascist mass torturer & murderer beloved of the US Government 1901 -- Frank Zamboni 1908 -- Ethel Merman, actress and singer 1914 -- Roger Wagner, conductor and educator (Robert Wagner Chorale) 1933 -- Susan Sontag, author and playwright 1934 -- Marilyn Horne, soprano and actress 1942 -- Barbara Lynn, singer, songwriter and guitarist 1943 -- Gavin Bryars, bassist and composer 1943 -- Ronnie Milsap, singer and pianist 1944 -- Dieter Moebius, keyboard player and producer 1944 -- Jim Stafford, singer, songwriter and actor 1944 -- Jill Tarter, astronomer, SETI researcher, and biologist 1956 -- Greedy Smith, singer, songwriter and keyboardist 1959 -- Sade, singer, songwriter and producer 1961 -- Kenneth Sivertsen, guitarist and composer 1962 -- Maxine Jones, singer, songwriter and actress 1965 -- Jill Sobule, singer, songwriter and guitarist
-Died this day in:
1891 -- Leo Delibes, pianist and composer 1917 -- George Dewey, admiral 1957 -- Arturo Toscanini, cellist and conductor 1967 -- Robert J. Van de Graaff, physicist and academic, electrifying personality 1973 -- Edgar Sampson, musician and composer, stomped at the Savoy 2000 -- Will "Dub" Jones, singer 2000 -- Robert R. Wilson, physicist and academic 2009 -- Andrew Wyeth, painter 2012 -- Jimmy Castor, singer, songwriter and saxophonist
-Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such: Martin Luther King Day (US) National Nothing Day (US) National Religious Freedom Day (US)
x YouTube Video So, for music Benny Goodman Ethel Merman Robert Wagner Marilyn Horne Barbara Lynn Gavin Bryars Ronnie Milsap Dieter Moebius Jim Stafford Greedy Smith Sade Kenneth Sivertsen Maxine Jones Jill Sobule Leo Delibes Arturo Toscanini Edgar Sampson Will "Dub" Jones Jimmy Castor - -Benny Goodman
- x YouTube Video -Ethel Merman
x YouTube Video -Robert Wagner - Wow, I never heard this done as a dirge before
x YouTube Video -Marilyn Horne
x YouTube Video -Barbara Lynn
x YouTube Video -Gavin Bryars
x YouTube Video -Ronnie Milsap
x YouTube Video -Dieter Moebius
x YouTube Video -Jim Stafford
x YouTube Video -Greedy Smith
x YouTube Video -Sade
x YouTube Video -Kenneth Sivertsen
x YouTube Video -Maxine Jones
x YouTube Video -Jill Sobule
x YouTube Video -Leo Delibes
x YouTube Video -Arturo Toscanini
x YouTube Video -Edgar Sampson
x YouTube Video -Will "Dub" Jones
x YouTube Video -Jimmy Castor
x YouTube Video - OK, what's on your minds?Hey, mega bonus, the concert that put jazz on the map
x YouTube VideoCrossposted from caucus99percent.com