January 2 is the 2nd day of the year. There are 363 days left.
-Today's number is 2
-2 is the smallest even integer, and defines the even integers (they are those divisible by 2) Finite multiples of 2 must end in 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0 If the last digit of a whole number is evenly divisible by 2, then the entire number is 2 is the first and smallest prime number 2 is the only even prime number 2 is the third Fibonacci number (1, 1, 2) Ordinary fractions with 2 for a denominator will not result in an infinite decimal expansion 2 is the base of the binary number system One can readily count to 1023 in binary in one pass on one's fingers & thumbs 2 is unique in that 2+2 = 2x2 = 2 squared Powers of two play a significant role in computer programming and computer science 2 is central to the definition of Mersenne Primes (primes that are one less than a power of two) The square root of 2 is the length of the diagonal of a unit square
2 is Helium 2 is the atomic mass of deuterium Group 2 of the periodic table is the alkaline earths; its elements usually have a valence of 2
-2 appears twice in R2D2.
-It takes 2 to Tango
x YouTube Video -TITLE 2 of the U.S. Code is THE CONGRESS
-2 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Augustus and Silvanus. Emperor Augustus was proclaimed Pater Patriae The Aqua Alsietina Roman aqueduct was constructed.
-2 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Vinicius and Varus (which Varus is a tad unclear, however) Publius Alfenus Varus, whoever that may have been, was the consul above, not Varus the Butcher. Tiberius was allowed to return to Rome Gaius Caesar signed a treaty with the Parthians who agreed to recognize Roman Claims to Armenia. In China, Wang Mang, known for having but one wife, Lady Wang, embarked on a course of further personal aggrandisement. The first Chinese census was completed, showing almost 60 million Chinese
-Did somebody say Armenia?
x YouTube Video -On this day in:
0366 -- The Alemanni invaded the Roman Empire. 0533 -- Mercurius became "Pope John II", the first pope to use an alias 1492 -- The Emirate of Granada surrendered 1920 -- The 2nd Palmer Raid saw 6,000 leftys arrested without cause and held without trial. 1967 -- Ronald Reagan was sworn in as governor of California 2016 -- Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr & 46 others were executed by the Saudis for demanding rights for Saudi Shias.
-Born this day in:
1836 -- Queen Emma of Hawaii 1901 -- Bob Marshall, co-founder of The Wilderness Society 1914 -- Kenny Clarke, drummer and composer who popularized the ride cymbal for keeping time. 1918 -- Beatrice Hicks, engineer & co-founder of the Society of Women Engineers 1920 -- Isaac Asimov, chemist, author, and academic 1937 -- Martin Lauer, German runner and journalist 1938 -- Lynn Conway, transgender activist, engineer, inventor and computer scientist 1938 -- Dana Ulery, computer scientist 1956 -- Lynda Barry, cartoonist and author 1986 -- Trombone Shorty, musician & composer
-Died this day in:
1892 -- George Biddell Airy, mathematician and astronomer known for his disks. 2012 -- Larry Reinhardt, guitarist 2016 -- Nimr al-Nimr, Saudi Arabian Shia Cleric
-Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such: National Science Fiction Day (US) National Creampuff Day (US)
So, for music
Two Trombone Shorty Larry Reinhardt
-2 good men
x YouTube Video -Love Me Two Times
x YouTube Video -It takes Two
x YouTube Video -2 (Plus) 2=?
x YouTube Video -Topsy Part 2
x YouTube Video -Two Hearts
x YouTube Video -Two Tickets to Paradise
x YouTube Video -Two of Us
x YouTube Video -2000 light years from home
x YouTube Video -2 lovers
x YouTube Video -2 Steps Away
x YouTube Video -The Entertainer, a Rag Time Two Step
x YouTube Video -Louisiana Two Step
x YouTube Video -Spanish Two Step
x YouTube Video -New SpanishTwo Step
x YouTube Video -Texas Two Step
x YouTube Video -Two Steps From The Blues
x YouTube Video -Trombone Shorty
x YouTube Video -Larry Reinhardt
x YouTube Video - OK, what's on your minds?Bonus tune(s): Some Twopelo honey
x YouTube Video - x YouTube Video - x YouTube VideoCrossposted from caucus99percent.com