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The People's Climate Movement and others are calling for a National Day of Action Wednesday, October 14 to demand bold action on the climate crisis facing our planet. We are calling for a sustainable, democratic and just economy that preserves our planet and works for all peoples. At the end of 2015, nations will meet again to negotiate an United Nationu2019s climate agreement in Paris that commits all countries to address climate change. What comes out of Paris will not mark the end of our efforts but could be an important step in the global process of confronting climate change. This fall we will continue to build a powerful movement for change and bring the demand for bold action to our leaders in anticipation of the Paris climate talks. We will insist that our public leaders support us in taking action in building a new economy that will avert the worst impacts of the climate crisis. And, we will call out those public leaders, corporations and other organizations that are standing in the way of progress as they deny the science and block the popular alternatives. continued below the fold↧